I have finished it, formatted the whole thing, and it will be printed out and binded today so that I can pass it up this afternoon to the Institute.
Here's a secret: at some point of staring at it over and over again, I grew so tired of it that I just wanted to delete the whole file. I'd probably be crying now if I did. Wahaha..
The thing is inconsistent. At times I fretted and fretted over one single paragraph. Other times I just closed my eyes and breezed over the entire section.
Oh ya. The thing is my thesis. See I'm so fed up of it already that I'm referring to it as the thing.
Haha incoherence... it's light out, and I haven't slept all night. But for some reason the fatigue has not set in. So I decided to cast the hiatus to the wind and blog.
I'll still be busy the next few days. Tomorrow I'll be at Penang stuffing my face whilst the action is on at Ijok. I love Penang! Mel Sim is going to give me all the o jians I want! I love her!
Have to prepare a research proposal for further PhD applications.
I'm also thinking of volunteering at a play therapy workshop at P.S. The Children early May.
My birthday is next week! I am born in the year of the boar. Go figure.
Then KF is only coming back on 11th. Maybe then I'll go to Singapore to meet him. We are also going to travel end of May because he has some forced leaves from AMD.
A teeny bit liberated from the thing, but am awfully afraid I'll have to revise it. I am so awfully sick of it. Bleh. Maybe mums are sick of their children the way I am now.
I feel like shopping. For books maybe. Don't need any more girly stuff.
Why am I still not sleepy? It's 7:21am for crying out loud! I slept at 4:30am yesterday!
I am going to pin myself onto the bed and get some shuteye.
It's bright outside. Finally. =D
*Update at 12:50pm*
Dad came back with my softbound copy of the thesis: Behold!