Have sent it over. Timestamped 8:55am.

Can't say that I'm 100% satisfied with the work, but I have to let go.

*Drops dead*

*Wakes up momentarily*
p/s. It's just the final draft. Probably will have amendments to do.

*Drops dead again*


Update at 9:11am - Have called Prof W. who said that he will only be free to see me next Monday. Then I sent an email to the admin to say that I've passed up the final draft. Hope that they'll be ok with it.

So now it's just a waiting game (which sucks really). Will try my bestest not to go back and pick on the draft. Next Friday Thursday's my GRE test and I am one week behind the study schedule (because someone had to draaaaaaaaag the thesis for an extra week). If they fail me for late submission, the GRE wouldn't matter anyway. Convo next year lor. PhD next next year lor. I'll go waste my life in NZ and shear all their sheep. And then use all the money on Zorbing and bungee jumping.

Zombified and unable to think straight. Am inclined to watch lesbian porn.


At least I get to keep my hair.


Update at 9:45am. Prof got back to me regarding the thesis conclusion (which admittedly is kind of shoddy). I have not managed to tie up the theoretical perspectives with the findings. Well it's good to get feedback now than next week.