Filler filler.

Currently working on proofreading the galley copy of the research book, which is right now at the final third stage (two more stages to go! wtf). I've gotta meet Prof W. tomorrow to discuss it, and I still have 70 pages to plow through.

No my book is not boring, reading it brings me great pleasure, do buy it at major bookstores when it is launched =D

Ahem. OK it is extremely a little boring. But buy it anyway for the love of me.

Sleepy lah. I do have two posts from Thailand which I really want to blog about, but resizing the pictures will be the death of me and I have to finish this proofreading thing before I can indulge in any non-academic activity.

Tomorrow will be a busy day as I will probably end up doing the proofreading for the better part of the morning, meet up with Prof to discuss it in the afternoon and go for a date in the evening. Val arrives the day after, and I shall be occupied for the following two weeks.

So. Erm. The two posts, I try my best la har. Hehe =P Or maybe compromise and not put pictures. Or put one picture. Just for you, Chindiana. ;)

I should probably return to the 70 freaking pages.