I am quite awake o_O Yeah serves me right for having a fucked up biological clock now. I've been trying to sleep from 1:15am and still no luck at 2:25am.
But I'm feeling really happy at this moment, the Guy I Had Issues With replied my email and seemed to be really friendly, and we are going to meet up tomorrow to talk things through. I'm really glad =D And then I took a small walk to the letterbox to get my sleepiness going, and I got two non-junk mails!
LL sent me this cute card that I've pinned up on my noticeboard along with postcards that Asa and Yuen gave me, below the Christmas card that Woei gave me. Also a magnet that I'm going to stick on my cubicle noticeboard. The second mail was from Robert, a self-compiled CD! I did not expect it at all, it was such a great surprise! I'm basking in the lovely glow of long distance friendship now, I love getting stuff in my mail =D
Happy happy happy, although all this euphoria is giving me energy hence messing up my sleep even further, but who cares if I sleep through the 11:30am lecture tomorrow that I'm sitting in, taught by my co-supervisor? (OK. I do. A teeny bit. And I think he'll care a teeny bit too. I think I should go to bed now.)
Anyhow - 2009 rocks my socks! *skips off to bed*