Can't stop bopping

to Manu Chao's Me Gustas Tú
Robert has the coolest music collection ever =D
I got a fun new year's resolution.
I'm gonna learn as many Rather Useless Things as possible this year.
Example of Rather Useless Thing - rugby rules
Example of Rather Useful Thing - French, so it's disqualified from the list.
Example of Completely Useless Thing - tying cherry stems with your tongue. Disqualified juga.
I got so many emails that I want to write
many projects to work on
many research-related thoughts to jot down
I finally learnt why mean and median are measures of central tendency
I knew how to get them but I didn't know why
Yeah I know it's like 10 years overdue but it's never too late
I'm meeting Prof K for my post mortem today
I became friends again with Guy I had Issues With yesterday
I had milo for breakfast this morning and chewed on gummybear-like sweets
me gusta marijuana, me gustas tú
me gusta colombiana, me gustas tú
me gusta la montaña, me gustas tú
me gusta la noche, me gustas tú