Dirty bloodied feet and no hangover

I conquered the Reeperbahn! Even got into Herbertstrasse where they had prostitutes in the window (they were all very hot but I failed to convince Val to pay for sex), where a short while ago only men above the age of 18 can enter. Val says that they threw pee and condoms filled with perfume at women who attempted to go in. Now the lesbians can have fun too! Note to self: get a lesbian friend and convince her to pay for sex.

Yeah and I cut my foot as there was broken glass on the roads and I only had my flipflops on. A kind bunch of girls stopped and gave me a bandage and then when I was staring at all the blood on the tissue in a bar a guy bought us a couple of rounds of shots and I bought them shots too and all in all it was an awesome night. Delicious Mexican shots (tabasco + tomato juice + alcohol) and strawberry limes and just for 50euro cents each.

And plus I get to gloat at Val because I don't have any semblance of a hangover and he's totally thrashed although we got similarly shitfaced. Muahahahaha.