If you read my post of a week or so ago, I mentioned that I agreed to purchase a 1992Peugeot sight unseen. On Monday I got to see it for the first time.
It was pretty much what I expected it to be. There were a few small, minor things wrong with it that I didn't know about, but nothing serious. All of it is stuff that can be repaired fairly easily. (A torn boot on the steering rack is the biggest and most difficult problem.)
I expect it will be exactly what I need... A car to haul around stuff that will be relativley fun to drive and a challenge to get parts for.
I'm going like having a car again that is a challenge to find parts for. I love spending a day prowling junkyards looking for a part. There is some great, weird satisfaction in finding it. It's like hunting, I guess, but I don't have to sit in the woods and I don't have to kill something that did nothing to me. With a history of Rovers, Peugeots, Renaults, Alfa Romeos, Sunbeams, Opels and other odd little cars in my life, how could I not like the challenge of parts hunting? With the Peugeot I'll be a big game car parts hunter again.
I forgot to bring a camera with me when I looked at the car (and the camera in my phone isn't worth using), but as soon as I get it - towards the end of the month - I'll take some pictures and put them online.