If you ever need any luck

And so I am writing this onboard the Victoria I, a ferry that will transport me to Sweden via the Baltic Sea. I am writing this facing a beautiful sunset that never seems to end, I have been keeping an eye on it since 8pm and it is now 11:15pm (Estonian time), and I am still tirelessly amazed by the sun's reluctance to set in this part of the world, at this time of the year.

I am mildly melancholic, it is the first time in several days that I have had no company but myself, and the sudden change is rather jarring. Nothing to do on this ship, except to witness drunk Finnish guys sing karaoke, or so I've heard, which is uninspiring even at the current state of boredom that I am in. I can also do some minor edits on my final confirmation report but I can't be arsed either. So as always, there is nothing to do but to alternate some aimless rambling on the blog with checking my email every five minutes.

I'd put on my earphones but it is very pleasant to hear the waves crashing against the ship. Intermittently I have the only Estonian song that I know by heart playing in my head, and Silver would be proud to know that I am singing it very smoothly with no pauses or weird facial expressions. It is sad that my Estonian vocabulary, once fast-expanding, will start to disintegrate and shrink.

Half an hour later.

As if to prove that my life could get even more boring than what it was, a drunk Danish biker passed by and asked if he could use my netbook to check the weather. He did so, and then logged into Facebook. Do you know how long it takes for a drunk guy to log into Facebook, go through the word verification process, photo verification process, and type one letter at a time a drunken status message? That's right. Half an hour. And then he and his friend kept "yaorama" with me (Estonian word that I learnt - basically means drunken conversation), asked if I had a boyfriend (damn handy my imaginary boyfriend), and gave me permission to blog about them, under the condition that I mention that they rode vintage bikes.

And before he left he said: "If you ever need any luck, go to cabin 5402. There you will get many luck."

WTF. I think I will go to bed now. The sun has almost set completely anyway.