
Typing this in the Estonian airport (free Internet woohoo!) while waiting for Silver. I arrived four hours ahead of the scheduled time because my flight was cancelled and I was given an earlier one. Silver's going to pick me up at 6pm, I am quite certain that he will, even though he didn't reply my email. It feels great having this much confidence in someone.

In fact this trip has only reinforced my belief that things work out, somehow. Even if things don't go as planned, I have confidence in myself that I would be able to handle it and make it right. The glorious week that I spent in Germany in lieu of Switzerland is a case in point. Courage and good sense, courage and good sense. (Some may call it insane recklessness.) And the ability to stomach alcohol, wahahaha.

Anyway, don't have much to say, I need to do some work now, big hugs to Val who will eventually read this for being so awesome and having awesome parents! And to all the others who are reading - oi leave some comments lah. Don't let Chetan do all the work =D

Beautiful Swiss sunset at St Gallen