Congratulations to Hacienda Chichen Resort and Yaxkin Spa

Hacienda Chichen Resort and Yaxkin Spa have implemented an active and innovative sustainable eco-cultural and social vision that has gained them International recognition. We congratulate these dedicated companies for their efforts to preserve and promote the Maya Culture and protect the environment, empowering rural indigenous people is key to their success. The way they conduct their hospitality practices, service guests, help the Maya Communities near their property, and protect the flora and fauna within their vast private Maya Jungle Reserve is an example of good stewardship and commitment to improve they way to do business. Their commitment to promote and practice green awareness and social volunteer actions to empower the Maya indigenous people in their Yucatan municipality, has gained them the support and admiration from many respected institutes and International organizations. This April, National Geographic Travel editors selected Hacienda Chichen and Yaxkin Spa to be included in their 2009 Stay List Hotel We Love Guide.

"The hotels on our Stay List 2009 don't just reflect their surroundings-they help define them," says Traveler Senior Editor Sheila Feldman Buckmaster. "What they all have in common is a transcendent vision that goes beyond traditional hotel-keeping. This mindset is what gives these hotels their sense of place. Make no mistake: you'll sense the vibe at once. And after your stay, you'll leave with the kind of insight only soulful places can provide." Quote from National Geographic Traveler Senior Editor, Sheila Buckmaster.

National Geographic Traveler 2009 Stay List criteria and selection process
began by tapping into the collected experiences of veteran journalists, inveterate road warriors, and local experts. They based their nominations on key criteria. Is the hotel engaged with the local community? Does it subscribe to sustainable practices that respect the region? Does it truly capture the spirit of its setting? Further research and detailed questionnaires winnowed hundreds of submissions down to this sweet list of 129 hotels. The properties on their Stay List offer truly unique experiences, and National Geographic editos are excited to highlight them in their April magazine edition as well as their website.

If you have plans to volunteer this summer 2009 and wish to support the Maya Foundation In Laakeech Social Volunteer Programs, you can stay for free at the Hacienda Chichen's Maya Hut, donated by this green boutique hotel to support the social programs the foundation actively conducts in the Maya communities nearby Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico, for detail information about how to apply to the ESL teaching volunteer and other job related volunteer opportunities with free rooming at the Hacienda Chichen, kindly visit the following webpage: