Pagi ini saya menduduki peperiksaan yang terakhir dalam hayat saya, dengan sambilewa.
And if I were to pad it up a bit, it would look a bit like this:
Pagi ini saya menduduki peperiksaan yang terakhir dalam hayat saya, dengan sambilewa. Sambilewa! Sambilewa! Sambilewa! Yo yo yo! Sambilewa!
But still that's only two lines so I thought I wouldn't waste the space anyhow. This blog has better things to talk about than pseudo rapping in Malay.
Raining outside! Accompanied by Blackmore's Nights, in my unlit office, with a piping hot mug of Chinese tea - ah, perfect ambiance. Chatting with LL also. I have lots to do today, I need to make a list, but I'm just chilling a bit till... I don't know. Till I stop chilling I guess. Sambilewa! Sambilewa! Sambilewa!
I'm going out tonight with some Master's students, ladies' night, and tomorrow I'm going back to KL. I finally read something of Salman Rushdie yesterday (right after exam I went to the HSS library and borrowed an armful of fiction), Haroun and The Sea of Stories, and it was pretty good, I finished it by this morning.
I almost typed "today morning", which irritates the hell out of Kukui. Actually I had never thought that "today morning" was wrong until he pointed it out. I guess it's the language influence from Mandarin (今天早上), but then if you see it in Malay it is "pagi ini", which translates to "morning this". Morning this, bitch! (Was just testing if it sounded like an insult. It does.)
The next book up is Alan Bennett's The Clothes They Stood Up In and The Lady In The Van, a thin book of two stories, I started reading it a little already when on the loo, and it looks very promising indeed. The first story is about how this couple returns from the opera and find their flat stripped bare, like totally bare, of ALL of their possessions. The fur coats, the pie in the oven along with the oven, the toilet paper... everything. Then I ended my loo session, but I'm sure I will finish the book on the way back to KL.
Oh yeah, Chindi, Snow White and the Seven Samurai by Tom Holt was rather disappointing. I didn't like it much because I thought the storyline was rather chaotic and the theme wasn't very original, like it was trying to emulate The Matrix but with fairy tales. And not elegantly done too. Some details were clever and sometimes laugh-out-loud, but the overall plot was just too haphazardly thrown together. I finished the book but that was only because I had nothing else to do on the loo.
So anyway, a list of what I need to do today, so that it would inspire me to get off my lazy ass and start.
- Renew library books
- Get money from ATM
- Reply some emails
- Attend to one admin thing
- Print map to bus terminal back to KL
- Send a paper to my supervisors
- Laundry
- Pack my bag before going out tonight so I can party late and wake up at an ungodly hour of 7am tomorrow (only to be awfully early - but that's a better alternative to being late, given my extremely off the mark ability to estimate timing) to the bus station
- 13-17 July - Some Forum in Singapore (don't want people to end up here by googling)
- 17-25 July - Indiaaaaaaaa
- 27-31 July - Some Course in Singapore
- August - Don't know if Boston conference will be on or not, if yes... nyehehehehe... crazy plans to be conceived later, but fingers crossed for the moment!! (waves away jinxes!!)
Also I have this craving for Penang food. I'm not talking about the Penang food in Canteen 2, which I have not stooped down to yet. A trip to Penang may be in order. O jiannnnnn.
I think I should probably end this post here. 2 hours later and I've still not done anything useful. Such is the life of a PhD student who has had the last test of her life.