Deeply unsettling news.

I foresee a dark cloud casting a shadow on some of my plans. It's nothing serious but I'm bummed and I am deeply uncertain about the situation right now, and I'm afraid, but I cannot do anything about it in the time being. Having a bad feeling about it. Dreaming up worst case scenarios. Trying to tell myself everything will be alright. But will it? Can we be sure? Can we be sure that this will not upturn my life, and negate everything I've worked for, and the sole motivation I have to live my current life?

If it pushes me to the brink to grasp for my freedom, and I reach out, only to lose my footing and plummet into the abyss of no return?

No one died. No one's dog died. I am not contemplating suicide. I am fine. Everything material around me is fine although my soul might get snuffed out in the near future if things don't work out. Reality caught me with my guard down. I don't know if I'm strong enough to get what I want.

Deep breath. Deep breath. Things will work out eventually. They always do.