I have this silly grin on my face.

Might be the Estonian liquor that I shared with Yuen and Skinny David. It's really good and I'm sorry that we've finished it, but I'm glad I shared because they both liked it very much.

My eyes are half-shut, I'm rather sleepy, but I'm just too mellow and idyllic to move my lazy butt to go take a shower. I'm just feeling really contented and smiley and probably look like an idiot grinning at my computer screen with no apparent reason. Luckily Housemate David is doing his thing in his room.

Patrick left today and did all these little things that were so sweet... he washed the sheets and disposed of the recyclables, and left a note on our white board saying that he left gifts for Housemate David and I. So although I had guests over (the usual suspects - Yuen, Skinny David and Tony Twentytwo and his girlfriend), for about ten minutes I was bouncing around the house excitedly looking for the presents, like in a treasure hunt. Then I found them - a quaint little Middle Eastern rug, and also a handmade green shawl from Nepal! *rubs face on the soft shawl and feet on soft rug* *grins like an idiot again*

Gifts that I have got from my CSers: a thank you card, five yards of Nigerian tie dyed cloth, a bar of Swiss chocolate and a passport mug shot, a little golden brooch saying "Malaysia Truly Asia", two miniature bottles of Estonian liquor and a block of mango ice-cream that somehow tastes like durian, a Middle Eastern rug and a handmade green shawl from Nepal. Unintentionally left behind are a pair of Nigerian pants, a Swiss German book on Bali and a tube of Slovakian toothpaste.

And although I am doing research, I'm also having a wonderful time, trying to make sure that everyone feels comfortable and taken care of, because that somehow makes me feel good. Maybe it's my motherly instincts coming into place. Interviews have become somewhat of a pleasant side product, and maybe it's because of the holiday season I haven't been stressing out too much about the theoretical aspect. I'm just going to stick to interview transcribing, and leave the head cracking to next year.

Right now I'm chilled out, just bopping to Lenka's The Show. This Friday I'll be making my way up north, to a primary school gathering/sleepover in Malacca, and then back to KL, where I will meet everyone finally =) Woei, LL, Mel Sim, everyone!! The thoughts of them give me warm fuzzy feelings, it's been such a long time since I've seen all these people that I really care about. Maybe I will also meet up with Silver before he takes a flight from KL to Vietnam.

So if I haven't stressed it enough yet, I'm happy. And stinky. I should take a shower now.