The Curious Incident of The Missing Couchsurfer

This morning I walked out of my room, and my couchsurfer was missing.

Initially I thought that he was in the shower, but he wasn't - then I thought maybe he'd left to get breakfast and would be back later, before I went out, because he doesn't have the keys. Then suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I identified a void in the living room. His luggage was gone. He had left. The mattress and the sheets were neatly folded up. The fan however, was still spinning merrily.

I was quite filled with disbelief. This man waltzed into my place, spent two full days sticking around in my living room watching TV with a perpetual scowl on his face, and left without a word. Not even a note. I checked. In the kitchen was his bag of half-eaten oats, and his bag of half-eaten goji berries (枸杞子), proving that I did not dream up this incident of an ungracious couchsurfer.

A lame excuse on a note saying that he had to leave suddenly would suffice. I mean it's not like I'm so pumped up about sharing my living space with a guest that makes me feel uncomfortable. Well obviously the discomfort was mutual, but I swear I was trying to be hospitable. It's hard to be cheery and sunshiney when your positive vibes are sucked into a whirlpool of negativity and spat back at you. And yesterday, after being stood up by another couchsurfer, I was just in no mood to be smiley and nice. If I wasn't pounding on my keyboard I would be pounding on someone else's face.

But I guess it's good. At least tonight I can go home at whatever time I want, and when I get home I can sit in front of the TV and zone out. Hopefully the next CSer that I'm having, who's coming on Friday, will be worth the time and hospitality.

Data collection has ended, by the way. Well the last two guys were supposed to be my respondents, but obviously those didn't turn out. So from now on it's just hosting for fun. At least it will be, if the streak of negative experiences end. Which I'm sure it will.

Peace out.

p/s. I'm also pretty sure that he didn't have access to the Internet between the short time after I posted the previous post, and the time when he left. So it couldn't be because he saw the previous post, freaked out and left.