The World is Just Awesome

Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?
Astronaut 2: Nope.
Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to...
Astronaut 2: Break into song?
Astronaut 1: Yep.

I love the mountains,
I love the clear blue skies
I love big bridges
I love when great whites fly

I love the whole world
And all its sights and sounds
Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da (twice)

I love the oceans
I love real dirty things
I love to go fast
I love Egyptian kings

I love the whole world
And all its craziness
Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da (twice)

I love tornadoes
I love arachnids
I love hot magma
I love the giant squids

I love the whole world
It's such a brilliant place
Boom-de-ah-da, boom-de-ah-da (repeating until fade)


My favourite song right now. This is such a sorry excuse for a filler post, I know, I've just been really busy at work and when I'm at home I'm zoning out in front of the TV, cooking and replying emails. I could get used to this life. Anyway, my Indian couchsurfer stood me up so I was free this week, but I've got five couchsurfers (all confirmed) coming next week and it's going to be crazy good fun =)

Updates might be few and far between as I try to cram in as much academic writing as possible. Eyes on the prize! Boom de ah da boom de ah da boom de ah da boom de ah da