Five for Yasmin Ahmad


I have a copy of Yasmin Ahmad's Talentime, original DVD, that I want to give out. It's not subtitled - I've watched it before in the cinema and I think the major languages used are English, Malay and Tamil (logical deduction - could be Hindi for all I know), perhaps with a slight smattering of Mandarin. So if you understand English, Malay and Tamil, or know someone who does who will enjoy this movie, get in touch with me (june dot tan at gmail dot com) and I'll make the arrangements to send the DVD to you. It's a great movie and I don't want the DVD to go to waste with me because I can't understand parts of it, so I'm going to send it to you for free. Consider it as a gift from me.

If no one contacts me within a week of this post, I will put up a notice on the Couchsurfing forum and give it out through there (since the forum has more than five readers). So do be quick if you're interested =)


Muallaf is now screening in Malaysia. I watched it in Singapore first, last year, and this trip back to Malaysia I watched it again at GSC 1Utama. Catch it before it stops screening!


I bought this book called Yasmin Ahmad's Films, by Amir Muhammad, yesterday. I find it a delightful accompaniment to the movies as it highlights some details that I missed in the movies, and the commentary is very useful for foreigners who may not understand some of the cultural references that are uniquely Malaysian. RM30 at major bookstores.

photo credit

I teared when I saw this. It's graffiti art drawn at the Klang River, Pasar Seni, by two local artists named Jeng and Kioue, after Yasmin Ahmad's death. Sigh. Damn sad.


I've created a new label called Yasmin Ahmad and there are 12 posts that I've tagged with the label. I didn't realize that I had written so much about her before. Here are the previous posts that I've written on Mukhsin, Sepet, Muallaf.