One of those days.

Have you ever had days when you were so busy that your workload was literally bursting out of the seams of the bag that you put your workload in but you were too unfocused and lost that you didn't know what to do and you just wandered around watching youtube singing to Jon Lajoie songs which are awesome by the way and then you wondered if you should take a nap but somehow you were too pumped up to and there's a class that you had to go to in an hour anyway and you hadn't had lunch yet and

and now you're back from class and just got an ingenious idea to utilize modern technology to lessen your TA workload and hence are kind of smug but still the question remains that you don't have a question to ask for your research and therefore cannot hope to find an answer and time is trickling away while you are blogging absently wondering what else you can do to procrastinate further from doing actual work...?

I'm sure you have. That's what I'm talking about.