Pointless Pre-Packing Procrastination Post


Need to stuff all the loose ends on my bed into my trusty backpack which is virtually empty. I'm leaving home in an hour, leaving KL in five. I'm kinda wistful for I won't be home till at least 6 weeks later, but I gotta do what I gotta do. And at least I'm going back to a place that I regard as home as well, albeit a home that needs vigorous cleaning tomorrow. Last year I spent FIVE months living out of boxes and my luggage. That I have a beautiful place to go home to is much to be grateful about.

The past two weeks have been really great. Met all my best friends - someone asked me, how can you have so many "best" friends? Is that even grammatically correct? Well, they just are. And why they're my best friends is because all of them understand me, support me, and make me a better person. I love you all very much!

The six weeks I have ahead, before Chinese New Year, is going to be intense. Nine CSers are coming. I need to come up with some substantial leads in my research to be able to make my confirmation report on time, I need to do my duties for the university, I'm sitting in two classes, and I've already outlined a number of books that I need to read. In short I will be very busy. But in a good way.

Need to turn off my laptop because it's the first thing that goes into my backpack. Oh Happy New Year to all. It's going to be a great year, I can feel it =)