I've got an idea! I've got an IDEA!!
*sticks cork into gushing adrenal gland*
I'm going to design a pocket-sized photo book (using the product by homegrown company Pixart) titled, "I come from Malaysia". And inside the book I'll be showcasing what it's like to live in Malaysia, me and my friends and family and the beautiful country that is Malaysia.
Wouldn't it be cool? I mean, there'll be no excuse whatsoever for any kiwi or backpacker I meet on the road to EVER believe that we live on trees, because I'd be showing them our malls and highways and the Twin Jagungs. Temples and churches and mosques. Local fruits. Brands we have here. Signages. Bloody election flags. National Day processions. MAS. Mamak stalls. Heck all types of makan.
*pop goes the cork*
It'd be fun to work on as I'll ajak a few friends to go roam around and take pictures. And make them do silly poses to show off to the world. When I'm in NZ it'd be great to cure homesickness and good for a conversation piece. ("Yes. These toilets cost RM400,000 (NZD150,000) each, and they automatically clean themselves, and the best part is - the doors open automatically after you've been inside for 15 minutes!")
Yay! So back to work.