Transformation is instantaneous - one moment my head's stuffed with cotton and I'm drifting rather than walking - and next moment I'm sharp as a tack, ready to take on yet another stupid group assignment.
You know why group assignments are stupid? I'll tell you why. Firstly there's this get-to-know-each-other stage, which unfortunately is also decide-the-topic stage. Here's when you don't want to appear too pushy yet have to get your point across. If you're lucky you might be interested in the same area and come to the topic easily. If you're not, you might argue for two hours (politely) and come to a consensus of working on homosexuality in the area of films, which is nobody's area of interest thus it is fair to everybody. No prizes for guessing which end of the spectrum I was.
OK, past the topic deciding stage. Here's when you do the real work. To put people into two broad categories, there are the morons, and there are the non-morons, for lack of a better word. And within the category of morons are the super morons and the regular morons. Regular morons, bless their little hearts, at least have the courtesy to realize that they're not that bright, and after a few raps on the knuckles will eventually come to terms that they should be seen and not heard. Super morons however, fight back. They will go on incessantly to force their moronic world views down everybody's throats, and may in some instances win through sheer perseverance.
You do not want to be in a group with a Super Moron. Write that down. If a huge calamity hits the earth and you're left with only one person to group with, and that person turns out to be a Super Moron - insist on doing an individual project. Even if that means the extinction of mankind (since you'd end up having to repopulate the whole earth as well - but we don't want little Super Morons running around do we?). But there is one problem. We don't know who these Super Morons are. In an ideal world, Super Morons would have "SM" tattooed on their foreheads so that they can be identified and quarantined accordingly. It's really too bad we live in the real world.
So after endless homicidal thoughts triggered by a certain Super Moron that I had the good fortune to be in a group with - I have come to the conclusion that there's only one thing worse than having a Super Moron in your assignment group. What is that, you may ask. Elementary, my dear Watson. Having two of them. Now that's the ultimate killer. My utmost sympathy and respect to one of my friends who is in that situation. You know who you are. *Hugs*
And then there are the blood suckers. People who leech off the work of others, just because they can. The unethical bastards. People who fabricate data and plagiarize. The empty vessels. People who make helluva noise and end up being.... sigh. Being Super Morons. Here we go again.
Anyway - where was I? Yes. Group assignments. Energy suckers. Logistic nightmares. They exist for a sole reason - convenience for lecturers who want to grade as few papers as they can. We're postgraduate students, for godsakes. We shouldn't have to deal with this undergraduate shit, at least the best of us, to work on topics irrelevant to ourselves, to educate the Super Morons, to support the blood suckers, to admonish the unethical bastards - just so that the lecturers can grade fewer papers. It's just unfair. Best part is - our grades are affected, not only because of the poor quality of the group work, but also because we spend so much time dealing with group work shit that we have less time and energy to study.
I've gone off tangent again. The original plot was just to marvel at the remarkable effects of God's great creation - coffee, and to commence work on the last stages of the homosexuality thing. I should go now.
*Update* What happened to my blog header?? o_O No time to figure that out. Bloody hell!
*Update 30 secs later* Blog header's back. Weird stuff.