0: Berlin

I have arrived in Berlin and only have less than 10 min to put up a post in this cafe because they have a very efficient 30min per coffee policy here. I am already feeling hyper so will not infuse my system with more caffeine. I am also probably going to check out a Salvador Dali museum or Erotik Museum later, depending on where my amazing navigational skill is able to take me.

So far Berlin is cold (12deg celsius) and I have already been doing a lot of walking because of my amazing ability to get lost (yeah it's the same said navigational skill) and I can only check in at 2pm so will do even more walking. It looks like it's going to rain, I hope not, 'coz non-tropical rain sucks rat ass. Or donkey balls, if you're Marten. I got his email and laughed out loud at the part on the museum fetish he claims I have. No I don't! OK maybe I do *looks at previous paragraph*

Well OK need to publish this post before 30mins is up, as Germans are known for their precision and punctuality. Will update later when I can.