-2: Nightmare on Jurong West St 92.

Woke up with a jolt at 5am to tell myself to write. I wrote some, and went back to sleep, and had a nightmare that I woke up again and it was 3:30pm already and I spent half of the day sleeping! Half of the day wasted! And while I was trying to come to terms with that a phone call came in offering me a PhD in Sri Lanka (huh?) and while I was trying to talk to this guy on the phone some kids and a dodgy looking adult were trying to climb into my window (nine floors up) and I had to fight them off but try not to swat them away 'coz the fall would kill them.

Jolted awake again and it's 8am in the morning. Crazy ass dream.

Something completely ridiculous happened to me. I was putting on my sandals with my office keys in my hand, when I fumbled a little and the keys slipped from my hand. And went straight down into what I call the "rain hole", i.e. a small drain in front of my door that probably leads to a pipe that goes nine floors down with no brakes. My keys went, with my anguished and helpless "FUCKKKKKKKK" following close. What are the odds that my keys fall into a round hole which probably only has a 10cm diameter??

Well at least the loss was clearcut in terms of any possible salvage, so beyond staring at a bottomless hole in disbelief I couldn't do anything, and moved on in 10 seconds. I'll just have to go and report the loss and go through some stupid paperwork and payments to get my keys back again. Bad news is - I have no idea where the general office is as they're renovating the damn office right now. I don't know where to find the person that I need to see. Good news is - I won't be needing the keys for at least two months. Which means I'll have to finish my work by today. Maybe this is some sort of sign.