This one's for Stefan
whom I met at a Vokue, loosely translated as a soup kitchen (vegan food's available for 2euros), when I was there all alone as my Vokue partner-in-crime, a British Couchsurfer, did not show up. Briefly after we began some small talk in the long line, my partner-in-crime did show up, and I was distracted - Stefan shoved this beautiful card into my hands and disappeared in the crowd. I wish I had a chance to say thanks properly. Dankeschön Stefan.
In other news it's 12:25am Berlin time, 6:25am Singapore time. I am still wide awake, I can't believe it. Had a pretty good day, went to the Salvador Dali exhibition 'coz Asa's a huge fan (and also I happened to stumble upon it), and I enjoyed myself very much. Even took notes, so when I'm free I can blog about it. Can't see it happening in the near future though. Guten nacht!