Had a really fun night with Elia, Susi and Rex (I'm not sure if that's how to spell her name), my hosts, and another Israeli Couchsurfer named Boaz, watching The Sound of Music, haha! I haven't seen it in years, and as a child I never really did appreciate the historical background of the era that it depicted, so it was really interesting to watch it again. And the landscape! Susi and Rex apparently lived near the place that the movie was shot, and even got baptised and went to weddings in the church where Maria married Captain von Trapp.
It's so fun watching it with Austrians as they protest at all the Austrian stereotypes and stuff the Americans probably made up to rhyme the songs with ("Who eats schnitzels with noodles??") (And, while we're at it - apparently people also said "gloomy pussies" back in the day. *cue juvenile smirk*). Also fun is all the singing to the words, though Elia didn't know them, but Susi, Rex, Boaz and I were all swaying to the music. Especially the part with the puppets, the best part of the show obviously, as a kid I would rewind the tape and watch that part over and over again. Ahh. Good times.
Elia's bringing me to a demonstration tomorrow for a girl and her family who are going to be deported back to Kosovo. Looking forward to it.