-11: Tan Jun-E, for the win!

Giving myself a little pep talk over a very inconvenient bout of writer's block.

I make words flow. I write books. I make things work. I have a magic smile. I stop cars with my thumb. I jump off bridges. I save whales. I cook edible food. I pwn leeches.

I witness amazing sunsets. (That's me, the wee speck, witnessing an amazing sunset at Kota Kinabalu.)

I am awesome. I can do it. What is another 10,000 words? I'll write twenty if I have to. Words don't scare me. Words are my friends. Without words there'll be no languages. Without languages there'll be no meaning. Without meaning there'll be no society. Damn. Words are starting to scare me again.

My point is. My point is. What is my point again?

Just finish the goddamn document and then you'll have all the sunrises and sunsets that you want. In ten days' time. Tan Jun-E, ftw!