Down time

I actually wrote like, 3 blog posts today, when I had my netbook with me while roaming the city. But I'm not in the mood to post them now. Partly it is because two of them are about how I got lost in the city and everything, and right this moment I am acutely aware of my ignorance about Austria and Europe in general. I keep telling myself it's alright because I really didn't have time to do any travel research or read about Austrian history (or Czech, or Italian, or any of the 7 other countries that I'm visiting), and I'll come back again, better prepared - but it just feels awful when my host tells me certain places and events and is completely astounded when I know nothing about them. Just like I was astounded when she said she hasn't watched Sound of Music before (The movie's set in Austria).

I hate this feeling of knowing that I'm missing something completely awesome that is right in front of me but I'm too dumb to recognize it. I know I can't know everything in the world but not knowing anything just sucks horribly =(