Leaving Prague in a couple of hours, I'm now hanging out in the hostel cafe with Meghan, a Canadian traveller whom Baska and I met yesterday. She's writing her postcards and I'm writing my blog.
Prague has been breathtakingly beautiful to the untrained eye, and I'm sure it would be so much more meaningful if my eyes had been trained somewhat, in gothic architecture and Czech history and the works of Franz Kafka. I think I'll come back. In fact, I think it's quite mandatory that I do, because I touched a certain statue, which is rumoured to bring the toucher back to Prague. Seems like a curse of some sort. And I really don't mind. I've actually been thinking thoughts like "the next time I'm back in Prague I'll have to go for a classical music concert" or "the next time I'm here I'll totally buy a beautiful painting like that".
I've been walking a lot. I've been making unhealthy food choices. (In fact I'm having a humongous bowl of fries right this moment.) I've been enamoured by street musicians. I've been staring at token Asians in the tourist crowd. I've been drinking beer like nobody's business and having no hangovers at all. I've been getting lost in little alleyways that lead into courtyards where ancient markets must have been held hundreds of years ago, on the same cobblestones that horses must have trotted on. It has been good, in a surreal way.
Anyway - Vienna up next. My bus leaves at 5pm and arrives at 9:15pm, and it's a country that uses Euros (I arrived in Prague with not a koruna cent on me, completely korunaless - it was rather interesting, as nobody spoke English and I didn't have any money to take the subway. Worked out in the end, like how things usually do.) and speaks German, which pronunciations makes sense at least even if the content doesn't, so everything's good. I have a CSer host there waiting for me so it will be great.