The Art of Making Things Work

is not to worry about them. Cases in point:
  1. In a surprising turn of events, the guy who was supposed to rent Housemate David's room when he leaves in August, decided that he liked our place so much that he would rent my room when I am in Europe. Completely out of the blue but I am saving on 2 months' rent =D
  2. Val's hitchhiking to Berlin to meet me tomorrow =D We're going to rent bikes and try to trace the Berlin Wall. It's going to be awesome.
  3. Baska, a Polish girl whom I met last year in the States will take the trouble to travel from Poland to Prague just to meet me T_T
  4. I met a Singaporean guy (he was sitting beside me - what are the odds?) in the conference and he'll help me take the stuff I don't need back to Singapore, my blazer and conference bag and that conference mug that came along ahaha.
  5. Found a CSer in Vienna to host me =D
  6. Having had no plans made yet in my UK stretch of the trip, I met a PhD student from Oxford who invited me to his university and he's going to introduce me to his labmates to talk about my research. Also offered me a couch without me asking T_T
Why are there so many nice people in this world? *beams at all the nice people in this world*