I forgot why he was telling that story.
Anyway some help is needed of you dear people, to sign an online petition calling for sexuality rights in Malaysia. Read the text - anal and oral sex are deemed as "unnatural offenses" by law, and people who do it can be sentenced up to 20 years jail and whipped. I didn't know that. And who are you, the state, to tell me what to do and what not to do within the confines of my bedroom? And this doesn't apply only to gay people, but also to heterosexuals as well, for those of you who are wondering. So all of us are in this. Homophobic or not.
Here's the gist of what we want from the government:
- abolish all laws that criminalise sexual practices between consenting adults.
- dismantle State institutions or initiatives that were established with the purpose of regulating and monitoring people's sexual or moral behaviour in consensual situations.
- cease all persecution of and discrimination against sexual minorities such as homosexuals, bisexuals, intersexed, transsexuals and transvestites, and transgendered people.
Alright let's not get carried away here. Sign the petition, my fellowmen and women, at least make ourselves heard in a small scale. Sex is a basic need, much like eating. Should we be policed on how we eat our nasi briyani? Should I be jailed for slurping my soup? Would I be whipped if I don't eat cereal with milk?
Hail sexuality rights! Sign the petition here.