In between worrying about my research topic, looking for information on media portrayal of homosexuals in Asia, brainstorming for a paper in Comparative Global Media Systems due tomorrow, and working on Dr. C's project -
I've gone and registered myself for a half-marathon.
To my list of "things I never thought I'd do but did anyway" (publish a book, jump off a bridge, ask random people for money, eat my own cooking, etc.) I am adding "voluntarily running 21kms". Me, who puked after PE lessons. Me, who couldn't even conquer Batu Tambur Hill, much less any higher mountainous terrains. In essence - Me, the very antithesis of stamina.
Just thinking about it is making me spurt adrenaline. Not because of excitement but because of intense fear. I hate running! I'm paying a freaking SGD58 to freaking run! Why am I doing this again? (The goodie bag has better be good.)
Yeah. If this doesn't kill me nothing will. At least I can seek solace in that.