Hell yeah. I rule. No one messes with me. No one.
I am very bored. Very, very bored. And a bit lonesome, if I would care to admit it. But no, only losers get lonesome. Solitary confinement does not scare me. No it doesn't, you three-headed-shape-shifting-son-of-a-bitch. Shut up and go away.
Yesterday I went out with Roman and his European buddies to the National Day Parade (widely known as the NDP amongst acronym-loving Singaporeans). Pictures.
Then I left early and went off before the fireworks to meet my Chinese officemate, Kristy for dinner. She's really adorable, and I mean both looks and personality-wise. Her friend was supposed to come along but ffked, so there were only both of us at the end. It was an invigorating 90 minutes of badmouthing the male population in general, zooming in on personal experiences and hearsay.
She ended up deleting the contact of her offender from her phone and I whooped on Orchard Road in celebration. We don't need men, what are sperm banks for??
Oh. Right. We do need men to keep the sperm banks stocked. My apologies on the oversight. Won't happen again.
Then today I went out with Mei Zee and saw her for the first time in 8 years. Gosh she's changed. But she's still as sweet as ever, sweeter if possible. I commented that she got prettier. She commented that I looked exactly the same. An awkward school girl with ungainly short hair in a school pinafore two sizes too big springs to mind. 17 was not a good year in the looks department.
Then we went to watch The Mummy 3. Good mindless fun. Don't question the logic. Don't question why
yetis were significant allies of the good guys. Yes, yetis. If not for the yetis the baddies would have won. =_= Michelle Yeoh the 2000 year-old Chinese sorceress cast her spell in English. Brendan Fraser looked 30 when he was supposed to be at least 50. His wife did look 50 though. Why did they take away Rachel Weisz why. The army of dead chanted "freedom" (in Chinese) when they were revived. Cheesy cheesy Hollywood propaganda. (America! Fuck Yeah! Coming to save the motherfucking day yeah! <-- one of our favourite songs during the Rainbow Frank Experience) And yeah. That was how the Terracotta Army was formed. Totally.
And you'll be alright.
Then after that we went to buy me a new cell phone. I got a Sony Ericsson W910i at SGD198 for a two-year student plan. I pay SGD25.68 every month. 200 free outgoing minutes, unlimited free SMS and MMS. I did not do much research before buying the phone. It is charging now so I shall explore what I can do tomorrow.
I am still very bored. I have nothing planned for tomorrow. (Except for reading my cellphone manual.) I have still not done my academic reading. The thought of an empty day is extremely depressing. I don't feel like going out because I have gone out for two consecutive days and I don't fancy overcrowded malls. I don't feel like staying in my room. I don't feel like calling anybody to arrange plans. And what plans? How do people use their weekends in Singapore?
I went out for a walk around half the campus this evening. It made me feel a bit better. Marginally. Then I came back to my room and plunged into full-blown depression yet again.
I am delaying going to bed so that tomorrow won't come as soon. But my head hurts so I guess I should. Good night and thanks for all the fish.