-25: SAY! HEY!

I just had a beer and therefore am merrier than a completely sober me would be.

SAY! HEY!*Green Day's Holiday plays in the background*

I've been listening to the soundtrack of the American Idiot, a Broadway musical based on Green Day's songs. I wish I could go watch it. Beats air-drumming and trying to type at the same time - I'm sure I look ridiculous but these days I'm often alone in the office anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Speaking of being alone in the office I came across this site today: Givesmehope.com, and barely one minute into reading the little stories tears started streaming down my cheeks. It's basically bite-sized little stories of compassion, courage and anything that gives people hope. I was just thinking to myself that luckily both my officemates were out today when a prof knocked on the door to look for Kristy. He probably thinks I have a sad life story behind the red nose and wet eyes. I don't. My life's great because I just had a beer.

I'm actually pretty hungry at the moment. It's 12:32am and I am too lazy to cook anything, besides there's this whole issue of me having brushed my teeth already. The barrier to filling my empty stomach is simply too high so I shall keep typing and ignore my rumbling tummy. I just remembered this short story that I read by Haruki Murakami, Tan Ying Jian's favourite author. It's about this couple who got so hungry one night that they decided to rob a bakery. Because they couldn't find a bakery they robbed McDonald's instead and took like 50 Big Macs. It was a good story except for the cows that died.

I have a meeting with my co-supervisor tomorrow. I think that's making me a little edgy. Plus I'm hungry and I just had a beer. That's pretty much the update to my life. Did I mention that I just had a beer?