I don't even know what to say about this. My friend, Jeff, sent me the link to this in an e-mail he titled, "Oh, But Why?" I have no idea.
Located in Orrville, OH, click here to see the Craigslist ad.

I wrote about an Intermeccanica Italia / Torino coupe back in January. I included a bit of history about the car and the companies that produced it. You can find the post here.
I've seen a few of these at car shows. Believe it or not, they are even more attractive in person than they are in pictures. This is just a gorgeous car.
Located in Atascadero, CA, click here to see the eBay listing.

I just ran across an August, 1965 copy of R&T and was thumbing through the auto classifieds in the back:
1955 MERCEDES-BENZ 300-SL. Gullwing.
One of the best available. Lightweight
body, knockoffs. Best offer over $3,800.
1955 PORSCHE SPYDER, 2 windshields,
top & trailer. Will trade. $2,950.
1957 FERRARI 3.5 Super Monza. Immac-
ulate. Used in motion pictures, never
raced. Licensed and driven on the street.
Best offer around $3,700, or trade down.
1964 FERRARI 3-Litre GT Berlinetta (2
seater) Absolutely flawless, concourse
condition. Bright red/beige leather. Only
3450 careful miles. $14,600 new, now
$8,500. Trade accepted.
Choke! Yer pal, Ferrari Bubba

As I mentioned in my earlier post, these cars were never sent to the US. I have no idea why. They are very nice looking cars.
This one is in overall good condition. Best of all, it's rust free.
Located in El Mirage, AZ, click here to see the eBay listing.
A big thanks to JaCG reader, Manny, for sending me the link to this car.