This is an 11,000 mile unrestored car. The dashboard shows some cracking in the veneer, but other than that, it appears perfect.
Located in Maitland, FL, click here to see the eBay listing.

This is a relatively rare 300CE. The very well made insulate top makes it a car you could drive all year round.
The 300 series cars are not perfect. Poorly maintained ones are prone to headgasket failure and early ones had wiring harness issues, but if you find a well maintained one and keep on maintaining it, it can go for 250,000 miles or more.
This is a 112,000 mile car that appears to be in very nice condition.
Located in Eagle Crest, OR, click here to see the Craigslist ad.

"This car was built for a man who saw a vehicle in Italy designed & built on an Alfa-Romeo drive train by Bertone Studios and wanted to buy it. Bertone would not sell it to him. It was called a Carabo by Bertone. So the man came back to California & hired Sam Foose, who is the father of the now well known Chip Foose. It is a one of a kind that is built on a 1972 DeTomaso Pantera drivetrain."
It's not an exact replica, but it's close.
This is not a car for people who enjoy anonymity.
Located in West Palm Beach, FL, click here to see the eBay listing.
Click here to see some pictures of the real Alfa Romeo Carabo.

This is a 1998 Range Rover that has been converted to a convertible of sorts.
Chopping the roof off a car is always bad news for its structural integrity. Whoever did this conversation added a few roll bars, but the seller doesn't mention if there was any other support pieces added. Take this Range Rover over a bumpy road before buying it and see how badly (or not) it shakes.
I'd call this a Strange Rover.
Located in Tampa, FL, click here to see the Craigslist ad.