OK, it's not my place to criticize someone's automotive dream, but a Geo Metro engine in a Simca? Yikes!
Yeah, I know the argument... A Geo Metro engine would make this a car you could use everyday. There's some validity to that. But, I'm a purist and the idea of putting a fairly unexciting modern(ish) Japanese engine in an old French car makes me cringe.
The seller does tell us this about the car: He thinks it's a 1970 or a 1971. It needs a passenger side door window. He doesn't believe it has a lot of rust. He doesn't know anything about the condition of the engine. The transmission is stuck in 2nd gear. Judging by the pictures it could definitely use some new tires and a paint job.
Simca didn't sell many cars in the US, but they were popular in Europe. I wrote a post about a Simca 1204 back in April, 2009. (You can find it here.) In the comments section, JaCG reader, Matt, mentioned that the Simca 1100 range of cars were the worlds first transverse-engined FWD hatchback cars. (Which was something I didn't know at the time - That's part of the reason I love doing this blog, I learn new things all the time.) In a small way, that makes these cars historical.

The seller is looking for $750.00 for the car, but is open to offers.
Located in Killen, AL, click here to see the Craigslist ad.
The Craigslist ad is about 2 weeks old. There's a possibility that it will expire soon. Below is a copy of the ad. You can click on it to enlarge it. I've edited out the person's phone number. This blog stays online forever and it really wouldn't be cool for the guy to get phone calls in 2014 asking if he still has the Simca for sale. However, I saved the original ad to my computer. If the Craigslist ad is gone and you want the person's contact info, e-mail me and I'll send it to you (assuming you do it before the year 2014).