There's one exercise within, called the "What have I done so far?" list. Here's my list, in no chronological order but loosely grouped by subject:
- Signed up more than 100 people to join Greenpeace New Zealand. I should check out the exact number with Hannah.
- Bungy jumped off Auckland Harbour Bridge (and coerced 7 other people to do it with me).
- Hitchhiked around the South Island of NZ (about 1400kms).
- Hitchhiked from Butterworth to KL and got home within 5 hours.
- Got an article published in Forward (June 2008 issue) on my hitchhiking experience in NZ - AND THEY PUBLISHED IT UNDER "SHAMSUL YUSOF" - TOOK MY BABY FROM ME - in a mistake. I haven't got the cheque yet. The article is unmistakably mine - it has Val's name in it and my picture and my map. I was extremely incensed about it before, but now have relapsed into some sort of angsty indifference. They promised that they will republish the article - a shorter version of it (HAVE TO QUARTER MY BABY SOMEMORE) - but since Zul has left the magazine I don't know if they'll follow through.
- Got a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems and a Master's degree in Public Policy and about to get a PhD in Communications and New Media.
- Got an email interview by German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (yes Val I checked it's this paper indeed =D) and radio interview by online radio Radio Singapore International and some other media interest, all on my blog research.
- Wrote a book, to be launched soon.
- Helped with the constitution of All-Blogs, though things seem to have quieted down.
- Fundraised and helped to organize a Christmas party for some underprivileged children and single mothers of the Indian community. Ended up going to an Indian gathering complete with dance and song performances =D
- Have been (with family or work) to Indonesia (Bandung and Yogyakarta), Thailand (Phuket), China (Yunnan - Kunming, Dali, Lijiang), UK (London - when I was 3. So it doesn't count, except for statistical purposes like now.), Singapore.
- Have backpacked (i.e. planned in shoestring budget, though LL and Asa planned for my debut Oz trip) in Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra), New Zealand (all over, too many to list), Thailand (Bangkok, Kanchanaburi, Ayutthaya), Hong Kong, Taiwan (Taipei and Hua-lien), Malaysia (all over as well)
- Have got Japanese Language Proficiency Test certification to Level 3 (two more levels to go), probably can survive in Japan, where I shall go in the future.
- Speak smatterings of German. Mostly random words and phrases, greetings, insults, counting from one to ten. I should probably not starve in Germany. (Ich bin hungrig.) Or die of some forewarned accident. (Achtung!)
- And while we're at languages well I do English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese and Hokkien reasonably well.
- Told a guy that I like him. Which is kinda a big thing for me. Though he's probably not into me. Well, no regrets, I've done all I can and the only thing left is to flinch and then to heal.
- Organized countless gatherings for our group of friends - so dependent they grew that they didn't see each other for the 6 months that I was in NZ.
- Have overcome my fear of culinary disasters and will cook more in the future.
- Built a website on Joomla! and PHP, but didn't launch it onto the web at the end stages. But it works locally haha.
- Wrote a paper on the website (pt. 19) and presented it at a conference in Yogyakarta.
- Learnt pottery for almost a year. Though I feel scammed by the art school, I am still kinda proud of some of the end products that came back.
Me an author!
*reverent silence*
I think I shall go dry the clothes before my mum kicks my ass.