Such a beautiful night
In the span of four days
- Tons of foodstuff
- Two new books (BTW - if you know where Atria is at Damansara Jaya, and if you love books - do check the warehouse sales out. Superbly cheap books!!! Didn't buy many because I was hard pressed for time and luggage space, but they have a good range from RM12!)
- Skincare products - from cleanser to toner to moisturizer to mask
- A new pair of shorts (RM20 plus only =D)
- A wonderful wonderful bag.
- A laminated map of Asia which somehow contains Europe in it, which cost only RM15! Bought it at Atria along with the books. Neatly rolled into a scroll, it is 1m long. I am going to have a ball transporting it back, poking people left right and centre.
- A new fringe. In purple. By a cute hairdresser who looks straight.
Soy un perdedor.
Bloody bloody tired. And this song is stuck in my head. I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me... Came home on the train on Wednesday evening, did not sleep well, some baby was crying and then an alarm rang at freaking 5am I could have killed that guy. Reached KL at 6:30am, went with mum to FRIM at 9 for her morning walk, dentist appointment at 11:30am, finally saw the doc at 12:45noon, went shopping at 1U because of a power outage at home, jam jam jam like hell on the way back, had dinner with parents, had supper with YKent, slept at 1am, woke up this morning at 8, went with mum to FRIM again...
So why don't you kill me... Yeah I only know these two lines of the lyrics. My eyes are mere slits now, on the brink of falling asleep.
Pangs of pain get out of my head! Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me.
Kucing Persia

kucing persia dijual
* Usia : 8 bulan
* Warna : Smoke Tabby
* harga 1 juta nego
Berminat, segera hubungi :
* Emki
* Jl. plosokuning 3, minomartani, ngaglik, sleman, Yogyakarta
* Telp. 081804328282
YUCATAN ADVENTURE'S TRAVEL BLOG: Be a Maya Foundation In Laakeech Volunteer
Help us help the Mayan communities nearby Chichen Itza in Yucatan, Mexico. The Maya Foundation In Laakeech has a volunteer travel program for people that wish to donate their time and teach job related skills to the young adult Mayan people in these communities.
Please contact Jose Tamay to request further information about this non-profit civil association dedicated to the welfare of the Maya people. Travelers wishing to help, may also do so, by donating old used clothes, multi-vitamins, cheap drug store reading glasses for adults, or any small item that can be packed and given as a gift of love to the Mayan families in need.
Contact us via email: for further details on how to help!
Work life balance?
Every day I wake up, it is research that I think of. When I eat, research. Before I sleep, research. It dominates every aspect of my life, the guilt that hampers my enjoyment of doing anything non-work-related, the relentless worry that I won't complete my assignments to my satisfaction, the obsession with tweaking every little argument so everything will be flawless and the world will become a better place with everything cited and referenced according to APA style.
Portrayal of homosexuals. Queer Theory. Spiral of silence, Noelle-Neumann. Racialised discourse. Transethnic solidarity. Model of initial trust. Social capital.
And then there is the social life.
Therefore I resort to escapism. Lately I am gripped by the clutches of this silly little game on my cell phone. I spend hours on it. When I am obsessed with breaking my own record, my mind contains nothing else. It is a void, a void of work, a void of emotions with only one goal in mind - get that block in line, break that record. Awaiting the end of the game, when I finally break the cyclical chain of pressing restart, is of course despair about time wasted, on one silly little game. But during the game, my mind is able to rest. It is a perverse way to meditate.
Get out, you say. Go knock on the doors of those lonely souls, ask them out. In fact I have tried knocking on doors, once. It was mostly out of necessity as I had borrowed an umbrella from a girl whose room number I forgot. A Danish girl oversaw the spectacle of me repeating the procedure of knocking every door, and apologizing at each, until I finally got the door, at the tenth attempt I think. She was greatly amused and we shared some good laughs. Yet when I saw her next, at the bus stop, her stony expression indicated that she did not recognize me. I did not reintroduce myself as the door-knocking girl, because I wasn't 100% sure if that was her. I have to reiterate that I am extremely bad with faces. She probably was too.
It is the nature of the fleeting relationships that I form in the hostel, while getting water from the pantry, while studying in the TV room. People you meet briefly, share a conversation about why you're knocking every door on the floor, and never see again - or never recognize again. There's no depth. No emotional residue is left on any shoulder you rub. All are busy with their own problems, presumably preoccupation with their own research.
Also, spontaneity is dying out. In the monotony of routine, spontaneity is what I thrive on, what I live for. An irreverent gesture, an exchange of twinkling eyes, a song sang at the top of one's lungs, buskers and hitchhikers, something out of place. There is none! Obedience reigns here, nobody laughs, the bureaucracy makes you do illogical things, weekends mean traipsing hundreds of shops which merchandise look virtually the same. If 4.5million people can do it, why can't you?
Before I terminate this incessant train of self pity, which is quite unjustified actually, what with people being detained for two years without trial, children being poisoned just for drinking milk, the global economic crisis and politicians on the brink of losing power that they're clinging onto with a death grip - I leave you with a piece of news under Breaking News in The Straits Times yesterday.
3,821 jaywalkers caught. What in the world should we do to these naughty lawbreakers?
Now - back to work.
Update - The university must have caught wind of the errant pedestrians, it being a major breaking news and all, and sent out a powerpoint presentation on "NTU Campus Road Safety". Since as we're merely university students, we probably need to be educated on how to cross the road. Some pictures of the campus are in there, which I thought you'd be interested to see, though they're not very well taken.
More Annoying than Speed Bumps
Experiential campaigns usually involve a product spokesperson at some wine and cheese event, but Honda decided to skip the spokesmodel and instead dig grooves into highway asphalt. The groves in the payment play the William Tell Overture when motorists drive over the stretch of highway, which is what you expect for a Honda Civic campaign or so someone at Honda thought who conceived this breakthrough idea.
Well the Lancaster, CA residents didn't find the idea very compelling as they convinced the county to pave over the stretch. "One says the road music sounds like a high-pitched drone. Another says it keeps him and his wife up at night." Personally, I can't find these so called 'neighbors' when viewing the video and knowing what I know of Lancaster, CA. It's a desert with not a house in sight in the video. Must be quite an echo out there in the vast wasteland of sand and well more sand. more.
On the weekend of September 26th - 28th, 2008 over 60 Senior Mayan Healers and Priests (J-Men and Ix Men) will participate in the Second Symposium of Maya Holistic Healing Traditions. These holy healers will conduct intensive Healing Tradition dialogues, lectures and practices in private sessions during two days in Cantamayec, Yucatan, Mexico
Their desire is to encourage the new generations to learn about the Mayan Healing Traditions, practice their ancestors’ rituals, holistic approach to healing and mystical ceremonies and sacred Cosmo-vision, the art of living in harmony with the Earth, Nature and the Cosmos.
On Sunday September 28, 2008, these Maya Wisemen and Healers will have an Open to the Public Agenda of Maya Healing Rituals and Private Mayan holistic consulting which you are invited to participate in. Please contact us if you are interested in going so we can help you make arrangements to arrive on time to the Maya village of Cantamayec. The Sunday Program includes Mayan Sacred Ceremonies as well as a Mayan Holistic Workshop dedicated to the understanding of "Sacred Sounds and Musical Tones" imparted by Ing. Manuel Rosado; participation is free and you can register via email to:
Se realizará en Cantamayec, Yucatán, del 26 al 28 de septiembre de 2008, con la participación de 60 Sacerdotes y Médicos Tradicionales Mayas (Aj Men, J-Men) de todo el Mayab. Este Encuentro tiene como propósito el crear un dialogo entre los Aj Men y las Ix Men participantes, en el que puedan comunicarse e intercambiar sus conocimientos, prácticas y rituales; de este modo, se fortalezca y vitalice la integración genuina de sus conocimientos, para que sigan cumpliendo con la valiosa función de preservar, difundir y practicar la Cosmovisión, Espiritualidad y Medicina Mayas.
Hoy en día, la edad de la mayoría de los Aj Men y las Ix Men oscila entre los 50 y 70 años, lo cual significa que en unos 30 años mas, estos hombres y mujeres (Ix Men) ilustres serán solo recuerdo histórico de no difundir esta tradicional actividad tan noble entre los Mayas. La primordial razón por la que este oficio de servicio comunitario se esta abandonando entre los jovenes Mayas es que esta noble actividad genera muy pocos ingresos para quien la practica. Sin embargo, los actuales Aj Men y Ix Men estan promoviendo entre los jovenes el salvo-guardar sus tradiciones misticas y espirituales para mantener esta importante actividad cultural entre los Mayas.
Al finalizar este Segundo Encuentro Holístico el domingo 28, 2008; todas las actividades estarán abiertas al público en general, y serán las siguientes:
1) 6:00 AM a 7:00 AM - Ceremonia Maya llamada U ts'aak Mejen paalal
2) 9:00 AM a 12:00 M - Consultas al público en general, limpias, oraciones o asesoría espiritual; la cuota es voluntaria y se le entrega directamente al Aj Men, Ix Men.
3) 9:00 AM a 12:00 M - Taller de Sonidos Sagrados Ancestrales, impartido por el Ing. Manuel Rosado Sarmiento, entrada gratuita, abierta a todo público. Favor de llevar un tapete para recostarte en el suelo, y se puede llevar alguno de estos instrumentos: Tambor, tunkul, caracol, tunjá y/o sonaja. Este taller es vivencial, y su propósito es que conozcas las propiedades de cada uno de estos sonidos y el efecto que tienen en el organismo, mente y espíritu humanos.
4) 12:30 PM - Clausura y Ceremonia Maya de U Máank’inalij K’aam Nikte’ ,
Pueblo de Cantamayec, Yucatan, Mexico.
Esquire & Ford Produce First E-ink Magazine Cover

Overall, I think the treatment is well done especially from the front cover perspective when you see it against all of the static magazine covers. Though I wonder if other magazines adopt this concept your daily bookstore will start to look like Time Square? Bad thing? Probably not, certainly would make the bookstore window compelling at night.
The connection with Esquire was around the magazine's 75th anniversary with the tag line "The 21st century begins now." Oh well, I guess Esquire is 8 years late but who cares it's advertising and we can define when things start. Right!?
Unfortunately, the impact isn’t as positive for the sponsor of the ad – Ford. The Flex image on the inside of the cover does a three light ‘dance’ that really isn’t as compelling as the billboard text implementation on the front cover. However, the creative is inline with the Flex’s overall dark, techie, electrifying campaign look and feel. So, it is on message.
Overall it is an interesting concept and attempt at buzz. Regarding buzz: Some heard about the upcoming “E-ink” cover and wrongly thought of it as something that could be changed or would resemble some of the E-ink reading tablets out on the market; instead, it was simply a bit of electronic billboard motion.
That said, reception has been positive in media circles and less positive by technocrats. Personally, I think it is similar in fashion to the recent BMW 1-series ad, it is an unique approach to traditional media and plays with what is traditionally a marketing free zone --the front cover -- in a new way that breathes some life into declining interest in magazines.
<video showing the magazine>
Angsty Wednesday Morning
What's with taking attendance in this institution?? Do I look like a frigging ten year old to you? I understand the word compulsory. If it means so much to you, I'll come. But I resent being treated like a primary school kid!
I also have another class, where the lecturer actually printed out a list of names, with our mugshots on it, and took attendance. Granted, I'd skip all of her classes if I could. She blows my mind with sheer boredom, of her sing song voice and her long-windedness. And my argument is - if I want to skip all of your classes because I don't listen to them anyway, I should be allowed to. The only thing that matters is I pass the course right? And serves me right if I fail! (Which won't be because of playing truant, since if you didn't get it the first time, I don't listen to your classes. I daydream.) Does it even matter if I am sticking around, or do you just want me to be around to feed your ego?
Yes. So I have to go to some seminar-cum-tea reception later this afternoon. I'm even dressed for it - smart casual, whatever that means. I'll tell you what it doesn't mean. Squeaking heels. My new pair of heels which I bought, out of necessity because I ruined every other pair, squeaks. Is there some shoe-oiling procedure that no one told me about?
Hate heels, hate going for useless functions and classes, just leave me alone with my research thankyouverymuch.
Cameron Highlands Maps | Cameron Highlands Travel Guide | Cameron Highalands Attractions

About Cameron Highlands:
One of the wonders of Malaysia, Cameron Highlands is the beautiful and lush
Main Attractions:
Cameron Highlands Attraction Tea Plantation - Left: Sungei Palas Tea Plantation & Right: Boh Tea Plantation

Cameron Highlands Attraction Central Market - Painted flowers from a market stall

Cameron Highlands Attraction Bee Farm

Cameron Highlands Attraction Cactus Farm & Jungle Track (Robinson Falls)

Left - Cameron's native village or "Kampung Orang Asli" can be visible a long the road from Tapah, Perak to Cameron Highlands
Right - The Lake House. Located 10km from Tanah Rata, a well maintained old building from the colonial era converted to resort hotel situated on the hill
Main Township in Cameron Highlands:
Left - Cameron Highlands, Tanah Rata Town
Right - Cameron Highlands, Brinchang Town
Download your copy of Cameron Highlands Travel Guide
Cameron Highlands Map (Click the map for larger view):

Accommodation at Cameron Highlands:
Cameron Highlands Apartment Interior Photo Slideshow:
How low can you go?
How far will you go? I mean like, when you've got everything to lose, you'd do anything to protect yourself. Anything. When you're desperate. And right now, you're desperate.
You have to go. You can only do this for so long. It's unsustainable. In the long run you'll lose big. In the past it worked. This time, we know what you're up to. And you're not going to get away with it.
It's just the matter of how you go, and how much you drag down the abyss in the process.
And that's what makes me uncomfortable.
Caffeine fueled high.
Both my officemates are out this morning therefore I am free to dance like noone is watching. (Because noone is.)
So. Let's say if someone forgets her antibiotics mid-course, doesn't take it for a day - does she die?? This is a hypothetical question. Not that anyone left her antibiotics back in the hostel and is silently hoping that she won't die. Will she?
My stipend is out! Wahahaha I am rich! I'm trying to think of some smart ass insult to hurl at you, the poor, but I'm too hyper to be bitchy right now. But rest assured that my nose is at a 30-degree angle towards the monitor. Which makes it difficult to actually see the monitor, but that's not the point.
Really too high today. Killer combo of caffeine plus MayDay plus stipend. Lalalalala~

The Mysterious Ferrari California

General Specifications :
Country of Origin : Italy
Numbers built : N/A
Introduced at : 2008 Paris Motor Show
Engine :
Configuration : 90º V 8
Location : Mid, longitudinally mounted
Construction : aluminum alloy block and head
Displacement :
Bore / Stroke :
Compression : 11.3:1
Valvetrain : 4 valves / cylinder, DOHC
Fuel Feed : Fuel injection
Aspiration : Naturally Aspirated
Drivetrain :
Gearbox : 7 speed Semi-automatic
Drive : Rear wheel drive
Dimensions :
Length :
Width :
Height : N/A
Wheelbase / Track (fr/r) :
Performance Figures :
Power : 460 bhp / 343 KW @ 7500 rpm
BHP/Liter : 107 bhp / liter
Sigh. Such short-lived happiness. I've always known that I've got a great home and great family and great friends but being away kind of accentuates the fact. But I don't belong here now, not within these three years anyway. It's weird feeling like a traveller in your own home. Freaking Singapore's got me. Not. For. Long. I've got an evil, diabolical and lemon-scented plan (as an academic I have to give credit to Spongebob Squarepants - The Movie for this line) that may enable me to romp around wherever I want next year. If I pull it off I'll let you know.
I'm going shopping today. I had better get something. My wardrobe in Singapore is getting more and more depressing by the day because of its puny size and variety. I can hold up for two weeks, barely, without doing laundry. (I do my laundry once a week though.) And I don't want to wear my favourite tees to a thread.
Hence, new stuff, spending spree, have to go now or I'll be late, g'day.
Maiko yuki - Japanese Hot Babes

Note to self.
I've made good progress in my work, although each paragraph takes me one man hour to write, I'm nonetheless proud that I have made quite a few paragraphs. I've been absolutely high these few days on my research, reading and writing feverishly, in my office and in the lounge room back at the hostel. Yuen, my incredibly sweet officemate is hooking me up with a prof from another faculty as a potential co-supervisor. Dr. C. asked me to get one because what I'm doing is not his area of specialty. I've also found a new thesis on the subject! Happy happy happy =D
Kristy (my other incredibly sweet officemate) and My Wronged Bundaberg Ginger Beer.
She shook her head and didn't seem to be convinced.
"Look - take a sip and try."
She obliged, albeit reluctantly.
"See? There's no alcohol in it!" I said, triumphantly.
"So... it's just soda?"
"No! It's not just soda, it's the best ginger beer in the whole wide world!"
She persisted on calling it "just soda" for the rest of the day. How dare she.
For those who are following my Half-Marathon of Death - I found this site the other day. *click*
Apparently I was doing Route 2 (click on the tabs above) twice each jogging session before this week. Route 2 is 2.5km once, so twice would be 5km. I normally jog 2-3 times a week.
Funny thing though is that I've only been able to do Route 2 once, ever since I found this site. It is as good as a curse. Sunday I did 2.5kms, Monday I did 2.5kms. I think it has something to do with my mental endurance. Maybe it's too much concentration during the day on my research? Or maybe the idea of the race is intimidating me? Or maybe I ate too much during the weekend. I really have no idea.
Now that I know my mileage, any training tips from you guys?
The race is on December 7th, so I have about 3 months to train. I am doing my running at night now, so I should probably run during the day later on to be accustomed to the heat. My goal is simple - I just want to finish the race, without killing myself.
Quick nip back KL this Friday =D
OK - here comes the awkward part - I guess I am going to be extremely busy with work, blog posts will be few and far between, unless I decide otherwise two days later.