Good hair night haiku
having damn good hair tonight
When no one can see.
~ Jun-E, Grad Hall Room, 12:48am, 1 Feb 2009
Super Bowl Advertising: Recession Edition
Hyundai is set to launch two ads this Super Bowl Sunday: One for their all-new Genesis coupe and the second spot will feature their Hyundai Assurance ad which promises unconfident buyers the ability to lease a new Hyundai with the option of turning it in if they lose their job in 12 months.
So, what can we learn from past recession advertising? I thought I'd share some of the advertising done during previous recessions.
Ford Trucks Beating (1976): Ford advertised their latest truck in 1976 by demonstrating the beating it could take. A classic quality ad for people who wanted a product that would last.
Dodge St. Regis - Value You Can Measure (1979): Competitive comparisons galore with some plush interior, of course.
Thunderbird Spread Your Wings (1980): Optimistic, new thinking is part of this spot from Ford. It is feature rich with "Electronic magic" like road speed and warning lights, not exactly as impressive as Ford's latest electronic magic -- Sync. All of this to bring "a better idea for the 80s".
Audi Take Control (1991): Audi mimicked the do-it-yourself mentality of getting out of the recession with their 'take control' messaging.
Dodge Dropping the Cost (1991): Biggest truck sale ever with around $4,000 off several Dodge truck models.
And by far my favorite recession automotive spot, Chrysler's circus music, straw hat, wheelin' dealin' sale:
Chrysler Car Clearance Carnival (1975): Values! Values! Values! With guess what? "A lot of cars to move... It's a carnival of values." And don't forget the sweepstakes; nothing gets qualified, serious buyers in like a sweepstakes.
Was supposed to do some hiking at the Bukit Timah area this morning with some couchsurfers but ended up not going because I woke up with a sore throat, which is so old that it's not even whine-worthy anymore. So I decided to be good and go to the office to continue writing my paper, which is progressing at a breakneck speed of two paragraphs/day (yesterday being the first day that the writing commenced).
I have since found out that oxygen is quite vital to lubricate the synapses in order for academic writing to flourish. Who would have thought? Though non-academic writing seems to flow when one is delirious, or so I've noticed.
I texted Feng Yang to warn her of the dearth of air in the office, and she replied "OMG! is our school going bankrupt?" which I found most amusing indeed. The new policy appears to be that there would be no airconditioning after 6:30pm and during the weekends. Apart from deranged admin staff trying to suffocate our brilliant brains systematically, we have come up with an alternative theory that the school is going through rigorous cost-cutting measures in light of the current economic crisis. Which includes suffocating our brilliant brains systematically.
Why else would I be spending time rambling aimlessly on my blog when I should be working on my paper so that I can finish it and retire to my hostel where breathable air is in abundant supply? This isn't even a decent attempt at a proper rant. I'm ashamed of myself.
Back to work.
She is a peacock in everything but beauty.
I am back in The Land As Big As Lake Kenyir. Homesickness struck last night but I am back to my old indestructible self now. Am focusing full time (kinda) on my work, this paper has to be out by this week I swear, so that I can work on other papers in the pipeline. Just found a good paper so I am sprightly.
Chinese New Year found me coughing and hacking and not having any CNY tidbits, which is a horrid pity because that's reasonably the only time of the year when you get to have all the junkfood you can eat without the guilt, and I'd already missed it last year because I was in NZ. Ten thousand woes. Well there's always next year.
The lack of real food was supplemented by soul food. During the holidays I read Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde) and half of Emma (Jane Austen), which is still my loo-time reading now. Hooray for books you bought when you were young but never appreciated because when you get old and contemplative and boring you're bound to like them somehow. I suppose classics are classics for a reason. I still can't bring myself to read Great Expectations though. I think just by holding the book my cool factor would degrade by ten. Maybe another five years down the road. In the meantime I shall hunt down more of Oscar Wilde's books, I find his flamboyance really delightful and Jane Austen just pales in comparison.
Also I saw 2046 by Wong Kar Wai and I liked it. I liked the ambience, the storyline, and of course Tony Leung who was in it. I didn't like Happy Together (by same director) ten years ago when I saw it. Maybe I should rewatch it with my older, more contemplative and more boring soul.
Sharing with you this music video of "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Love the travel vibes it's sending. My thoughts go out to Val who's right now wwoofing in Italy, lucky bastard, wish I could do the same but I shall keep focused and continue trying to get funding to travel.
OK back to academic reading, cool stuff on media and conflict.
Mitsubishi i Miev Sports Concept

Mitsubishi unveiled i Miev Sport concept at the 2007
i Miev has a sporty, spacious and dynamic interior. The interior gives the security and comfort feelings to the user. Mitsubishi also gives excellent occupant protection from collisions from any direction, even when colliding with a vehicle of different height or weight.
i Miev Sport Specifications :
Introduced at : 2007
Dimensions :
length ; width ; height : 3,450 [mm] ; 1,600 [mm] ; 1,400 [mm]
Body Weight : 970 kg
Body Structure : aluminum space frame
Engine :
Motors : Permanent magnetic synchronous motors
Front : In-wheel motors
Rear : Single motor
Max. output Front : 20kW 2; Rear: 47kW
Max. torque Front : 250 Nm 2; Rear: 180 Nm
Range (10-15 Mode) : 200km
Max. Speed : 180km/h
Wheelbase : 2,550 [mm]
Track (F/R) : 1,405/1,405 [mm]
Tires : 175/40R17
Interior :
Eliza Dushku Wallpapers
Viral Fun? Four Guys Getting All Wet and Soapy
Mini Cooper's "Always Open" campaign for their new convertible is trying the viral video route by doing something every convertible lover wants to see - top down car washing. Whenever I get into my convertible I'm always tempted to press the automatic top button to see what will happen if I go through the wash sans top. Now I know. I'll get all soapy, wet and power dried.
Mini takes the fascination of convertible driving in a new direction as they show something that theoretically sounds fun and a bit rebellious as four guys video tape their drive through a car wash. The campaign team is definitely thinking this is something that could turn viral since it is video that probably wouldn't exist without marketing dollars influencing a local car wash owner to allow a drive top down. It, therefore, is unique video because I know I'm not going to payoff a car wash owner

This brings us to what makes a video viral. Unique helps, but it needs more to be viral.
Is driving a convertible through a car wash entertaining? It is, though, I'm sure the male demographic watching the Mini footage wishes it had some gender equality in the four seats. The marketing team knows this would definitely up viewer-ship, but at the expense of some negative press, especially from their 41% female owners (JD Power 2008.) Even so, they still could've included some women in the drive without it really turning into some salacious wet t-shirt contest brought to you by Mini. Editing people. Editing.
Is it funny? There are a couple moments. One guy takes a strong power jet washer hit and a back seat passenger puffs up while going through the drying cycle. Overall, it doesn't do much because it is so contrived and obvious the whole experience is a marketing stunt. Yet, it does have some interesting moments and is sure to get some circulation from the shear uniqueness of the content.
Is it relevant to the customer Mini is trying to reach? Absolutely. This is where the video is most effective. It shows the car in something other than city streets or with the wind blowing in your hair in the night sky. It's playful too which completely fits Mini's brand promise. Lastly, it is right with the messaging of the current campaign. The Mini convertible is even "Always Open" even in an unexpected car wash drive.
When in pain, blog.
Looking Back to the Great Depression to Predict the Next Automotive Campaign

We are definitely in a recession. No doubt about it. Are we in a depression? No, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from the greatest economic downturn in our history. Yesterday’s inauguration not only marked the beginning of Barack Obama’s Presidency; it also meant a ton of advertising from Pepsi Cola as they launched their Refresh Everything campaign.
The Refresh Everything launch gave a platform for citizens to share what they wanted to say to our new President. It combined

It made me wonder what can we expect from automotive advertising as the recession deepens and marketing turns to use the language of the times? So, I went back into history via Google, of course, and found an example used during the height of the Great Depression. The Plymouth advertisement (above) ran in 1935 and used the headline "New Deal for Farmers" playing off of President Roosevelt's famous "New Deal" economic policy.
The Plymouth ad shows how little has changed in 74 years. "High-Powered", "World's Safest", and "Long-Life". Today's version: "0-60 in xxx", "5 Star Crash Rating", and "JD Power Quality Award". The "Saves 12% to 20% in Gas and Oil" line made me think of Toyota's latest ad for the Tundra where they claim less transmission fluid needs than their competitors.
So we have some language already in play in the economic environment: Change and Bail Out. I have already heard radio ads from a local mortgage company advertising; “it’s time for your own bail out with our refinance mortgage options…” It’s only a matter of time before Obama’s call for Change becomes a marketing campaign.
Drive Change. Get behind the wheel of Change. It’s time to change your keys. Change how you get there. Oh I can do this for hours, but I’ll spare you and wait for the Change language to make it into an automotive sales event or product launch.
I’m guessing GM will do it. They did “Keep America Rolling” after 9/11. The clock is ticking who will borrow Obama’s language first?
Going home today.
Anyhow I'm going home today! I haven't started packing yet because I'm still doing my laundry, and my parents are currently in Johor on the way south to Singapore to pick me up. I know, I have the best parents in the world. Originally I was taking a flight home at 2pm this afternoon, but then an important workshop was scheduled (a workshop regarding research funding, which is kinda the lifeline to my research), so my parents agreed to fetch me home after the workshop instead.
My throat hurts so much, I'm dedicating this paragraph to it. Here you go.
I'm drinking some herbal medicine that my Chinese friend Feng Yang gave to me. It sucks being sick but it's sorta nice to have people fuss over you a bit. Only yesterday did I realize that I had no clue about what to do while having a fever, since I hadn't had one since quite some time ago, and I was home then so my mum took care of everything. Do you wrap yourself up under the blankets and sweat it out, or would that only increase your body temperature? I think I've heard theories from both ends. And what aren't you supposed to eat when you've got a fever? Woe betide any kid who becomes my child. After a night of intense sweating and hourly pissing (no shit - hmm do I spot a pun here?) the fever resided. All that was left is this raging sore throat.
Just went down to get my laundry. As a strategy to the norm of not smiling at people here, I've been taking the middle path in walking around with a half-smile so when expressionless people encounter me they don't have to face a full-fledged toothy grin; but decent people can respond with half-smiles of their own and we can take it from there. (Which is often a nod and a slight sidle away from this half-smiling weirdo and a sigh of relief when the lift doors open.)
OK I should go pack. Throat still hurts like a bitch if you want to know. 5 seconds later. Yeap it's still hurting. No signs of stopping.
Is Smart the Right Product at the Right Time?

It was just announced today that the new Smart car fortwo surpassed the 15,000 units they expected to sale and not by an insignificant margin in a down market. They sold 25,000 units overall and had 100,000 people send in their $99 checks to reserve a Smart car in 2008.
The reservation approach was part of Smart’s marketing push to get people to pre-order a vehicle prior to the car’s launch in the United States. Smart did no TV and went with an online campaign approach, similar to what Mini did back when it launched its brand in the States. Apparently, if you are a stylish, European, small car you will launch with an online campaign and avoid the expense of TV since word of mouth is bound to drive your sales.
Smart is constantly hailed as a car for the consumer looking for high mpg economy in a world of unstable gas prices. But a lot of cars are being offered for this new shift to fuel economy conscience customers. Toyota has the Yaris. Honda has the Fit. The Yaris and Fit are not attractive cars. They are pure economical choices for a cost driven customer. Meanwhile, Smart and Mini offer high mileage choices but with the added benefit of being stylish and iconic.

It really makes me wonder two things:
1.) Is stylish and fuel-efficient the perfect combination in today’s market?
2.) Do Mini and Smart simply sell a consistent number of vehicles because they limit supply so much that we do not see the sales swings found in higher production unit vehicles?
What are your thoughts?
Note: The chart's nameplate sales by month come from Automotive News and the gas prices come from the Energy Information Administration. Official Statistics from the US Government. 2008 Data on Average US Retail Gas Prices
My happening weekend.
Actually it wasn't half bad. The weather was very fine, and because Punggol is mostly flat and empty land, the breeze was just fantastic. We trekked right across a lalang field - I was fine because I wore long pants and did not use my arms too much to fend off the lalangs, but Jia Ling got scratches all over - only to find out that there was a huge ass road just about 50 metres away from our haphazard zigzag lalang route. And Punggol is almost uninhabited (well - by Singaporean standards), which is a super plus point for anywhere in Singapore, as we were the only two crazy people taking syok sendiri pictures by the grassy bank of a pretty much empty road.
There's a house there called Matilda House which was erected since 1902 but now it's deserted, fenced up by the authorities for conservation purposes I guess. It's actually quite pretty if you ignore the ugly fences around. Also Punggol is near the sea, though we opted to go to the beach some other time because it was noon already and we were hungry. Then we took an LRT just for the heck of it, and had this aerial view of Punggol's many flat blocks of grass, which, with a sinking feeling in my heart I knew would be dominated by HDBs very soon. Why else would they build a huge (and I do mean HUGE) MRT building and the LRTs if they weren't expecting a large population? Sigh.
Afternoon we headed back to civilization - to Clarke Quay to have lunch. There's this Japanese food court at this place called Liang Court at Clarke Quay and I had a pretty decent Curry Don there, with a really nice Japanese fruity beer from the supermarket beside. Yum =) Then we met Jia Ling's friend Singaporean Irene and went to Chinatown. I know, Chinatown, on the weekend before Chinese New Year, in Singapore. You bet we saw all the population that we didn't see in Punggol that morning. You just have to know that I hate crowds but I'll do you guys a favour and refrain from whining about it. But Irene's a cool chick and I enjoyed spending time with her. She's on a mission to take pictures of all the cows that she can spot, bersempena the Bull's year. Her goal's 60. During the Year of the Boar she took 70+ pictures of pigs, with no repeats. She gets a kick out of making digital collages out of them.
I hung around with the girls till about 5pm, after which I headed to Bugis, another horribly crowded place where you literally get pushed around by the people if you don't walk at a decent pace. Met up with Yuen and Roman there. We went to Arab Street to have dinner, where people actually spoke Malay (yay!) when taking orders, but the place we were at had horrible service so I ended up not eating there. There were some people doing some reality TV shooting (something like The Amazing Race) for Suria Channel, which is a Malay channel, so we hung around and watched a guy puke his guts out while being forced to eat this platter of stuff. And they weren't even seriously gross stuff, I mean there was petai and kacang botol and some cow's tongue (cooked) and some other raw vegetables. Unpleasant but not quite my puke threshold yet - I think I draw the line at raw invertebrates. Before that line it should still be alright.
We walked around the Bugis area a bit, tried to catch a movie but there wasn't anything on, a board game cafe but it had closed down already, so we ended up going back home. I was pretty knackered anyway - I did a fair bit of walking the whole day and I had to wake up early for today morning, to walk the Southern Ridges with a bunch of Couchsurfers.
And so that was what I did this morning, woke up at 7am and went to Buona Vista MRT where I met the other 15+ people to do the 7km walk. It wasn't the whole trail, we missed the West Coast Park but I heard it wasn't anything too grand anyway. Met some really interesting people - a couple of Malaysians (Finally! Malaysians everywhere are so elusive to me, even in Singapore) , some Indian guys who gave me good tips of where to go to in India (Ganga River, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Goa) and where to avoid (Calcutta), some Germans (but of course), and some interesting Singaporeans and some others. Ahh. A walk like this is really great for meeting people because you're on the move all the time and you get to really mingle around doing casual conversation while walking and exchange talk partners after a while. Didn't really take in too much of the scenery because I was too busy talking all the time. Good excuse to go again! I don't think I've talked to so many strangers in a long while now.
Which is why after the walk and lunch I went to Jurong Point for some grocery shopping and said "have a good day" to the cashier who seemed pleasantly surprised. After that I waved to a cute baby who was as expressionless as it was cute, and said hi to a little boy at the bus stop who, after my friendly greeting, fled back to his mum's side and avoided my eyes. I appear to invoke indifference or fear in children.
Came back to Grad Hall, had a dribbly shower and took a good nap. Woke up around 6 and went to Canteen 11 for dinner. Then came back up and watched some trashy American movies. Milo Ventimiglia is gorgeous.
I'm glad to say I didn't do one bit of work this weekend. My legs are immersed in lactic acid though. La di da gonna chill out somemore and then go to bed.
Now California Earthquakes will Set Off Laptops Too
It's always a challenge to do something different and relevant to your product's messaging. Toyota found an excellent way to connect safety with your computer's screen-saver so that it is relevant to the users experience and firmly establishes the safety messaging Toyota wants to come across with their new iQ vehicle.
The screen-saver software, available for a Mac computer, allows one to lock their computer using the Apple remote control mimicking the way one locks their car with a car alarm. Move the computer and it is set off. Press a key on the keyboard and it is set off. Click the remote again and the screen-saver is disabled. Checkout the demonstration in the video above.
I think this is an ingenious way to integrate a strong safety message. It also reinforces your vehicle's consumer benefit message every time the user "locks" their computer which displays the Toyota iQ product as a screen-saver, besides it's such a cool integration that you are likely to demonstrate it to others and thus promote additional downloads and familiarity with the product. more.
Nissan Pivo 2 Concept

Nissan Pivo 2 concept was unveiled at the 2007 Tokyo Auto Show. It runs on compact Lithium-ion battery. Nissan Pivo 2 has a rotating cabin and wheels that can rotate 360 degrees, this feature allows easy parking. This cool car also has a Robotic Agent, robotic agent is a voice recognizing interface. This feature allows the car to detect and conclude the driver’s mental state by facial expressions and by voice patterns. With this robotic agent you could ask for directions or the nearest parking space or even basic vehicle functions. This feature is available in English and Japanese languages.
The design of Pivo 2 is very unique and futuristic, it has a round dome as it’s main shape with four small wheels. The chassis of the car doesn't have a front or back, instead the dome revolves, letting the driver face whichever direction needs to be front. The Interior of the car also has a dome shape and the dashboard looks like a toy car.
Nissan Pivo 2 Specifications:
Engine : Energy consumption of a conventional lightweight vehicle
Torque equivalent : V8 4.5L engine (528Nm) (twice the torque output of a conventional electric motor)
Power equivalent : 2.5L engine .
Brake : Regenerative braking (
Special Features :
Robotic Agent : Inferring a driver’s mental state by facial expressions and by voice patterns
Metamo System : a new concept which enables independent control of each wheel (The angles and position of the wheels are controlled to ensure an even load across the chassis to match driving conditions. This optimizes load distribution and ensures stability with minimum body movement during acceleration, deceleration, braking and cornering). The use of In-wheel 3D Motors and X by-Wire technologies.
Yuen's taking a cab back later so she's giving me a lift, so I'm not in a hurry to rush for the shuttle bus time limit which is at 9pm. We went to the gym today and worked out for about an hour, had the endorphins rushing through my body so I was in a silly mood after that. The gym's shower has great water pressure, I daresay it is worth going for gym if only to enjoy the gushing water after. (The shower back in my room dribbles.)
It's pretty nice walking around the campus around evening time when there is the evening breeze and blue sky and toasty sun. Ate lamb chop and extra fries because I was hungry after gym, so I effectively negated all weight lost and then some. Not that I care though I enjoy food too much, wahaha! I'm working out for my usual reason of building stamina and Yuen's looking to build muscles. Different level.
Came back to the office, had a little snooze and woke up feeling all fresh, clean (good showers rock!) and cozy and snug in my jacket in the airconditioned room. Kristy had already left and Yuen was at class and I was left on my own with my music and my stack of readings.
Times like these - dare I say it? I actually enjoy my life. =) I think I am high on endorphins.
Honda’s Brand Image Campaign Begins with Failure

Scientists talking about teleportation and magnetic levitation -- is there still room for such lofty brand building campaigns in a depressed automotive market? This is what the New York Times asks about a new marketing push from Honda.
Honda: Dream The Impossible
Honda says it is a campaign “focused on [their] values as a company.” The intro video talks about how it takes failure to get to success. Seems if this worked we wouldn’t need automotive industry bailouts and GM would be the most successful company ever.
Company engineers, designers, and executives share their optimism and enthusiasm for Honda as a company. To keep interest from waning, the film producers also found it best to include some celebrities like Danica Patrick, Christopher Guest and science fiction writer Orson Scott Card., not exactly people that generate a lot of buzz, but still better than an engineer talking.
The whole effort is an attempt to raise brand favorability. What seems odd about this is that Honda is a very successful brand that obviously put this work together in late 2008 before anyone expected a big drop off in industry sales. In fact, Honda was having a pretty successful sales lead when people started dumping SUVs and looking for fuel-efficient cars as an alternative lifting sales of the Civic without any need for brand marketing.
Perhaps this is Honda’s attempt to be positive and show how struggle can lead to positive things, a much better approach than Dunkin Donuts trying to communicate a “Kin Do” attitude.
I really don’t think much about these brand-lifting campaigns (see the Lexus L/Studio blog entry,) especially when they are more about the company talking to itself than its customers and this series by Honda suffers this issue. There is very little about product or expanding my knowledge about Honda’s products. Instead I’m left listening to some pretty boring diatribes on inner self and trying things over and over again, you know the kind of stuff that makes you feel good about buying a Honda lawnmower or $35,000 SUV.
The web site must be at an early stage as it allows users to browse the content. Today that content is three documentary videos: Mobility 2008, Kick Out the Ladder, and Failure: The Secret to Success. You can filter content using 12 content filter types and by most popular (I’m guessing that would be what ever video plays as the intro) and recently updated. That’s it. There is no other content on the site other than Subscribe and Share links in the top navigation.
Protect Your Cars Paintwork
Only use the best car wash products on the market. Do not use any household cleaners as it will damage your cars paint. Park your car in the shade, use a hosepipe to remove and soften the dirt on your cars paintwork. Open the tap just a little as you want a slow flow of water, don't use a strong jet of water because the high pressure will blast dirt particles into the clear cote that protects the base coat. Start with the roof and work your way down.
When you have hosed the car down, open the tap for a stronger jet of water and remove the dirt under the wheel arches, reduce the flow and hose the tires and rims. Follow the directions of the car wash liquid and mix the required quantity into one of the buckets with water. Place both buckets next to the car; dunk the wash mitt into the bucket with the car wash liquid and start washing the roof working your way down. Rinse the mitt frequently in the bucket with clean water. When you have finished washing the car, take the hosepipe and rinse the car to remove the soap suds from the cars paint. Most people don't dry the car, but for the best results dry the car preferably with a microfiber towel or a chamois leather. Use a separate towel or chamois leather for the mags. For the best protection of your cars paintwork polish your car at least once every three months. Always follow the instructions on the polish container. If your car has mags use a good brand of mag cleaner and polish to put the shine back on them. Clean the windows with window cleaner and use tire polish to polish your cars tires. Never use dirty water, cloths or abrasive polishes. When you are finished you can step back and admire your bright and shiny car, knowing that the paintwork on your car will stay in a superb condition for years to come.
Weston Miniseries #2: The River Cruises
So here are some pictures of the enchanting river cruises that we went for in Weston. I say "cruises", because we actually went on the motorboat for four times that day - morning, a short one with Nex because he was going to leave early; noon, when we went for a "just for a heck of it" cruise; afternoon when we went to spot the Probiscis Monkeys; and night after dinner when we went to see fireflies. The experience at Weston Wetland was just so homey and personalized that I didn't feel like I was on a tour at all. It was like being hosted by friends.

The sky was so beautiful that day! Just the right amount of clouds and a healthy dose of sun.

We also made an ad-hoc stopover at this place called Weston Probiscis Monkey Sanctuary, which is sorta like Weston Wetland, an eco-tourism attempt, a retreat where you can stay at and be in the middle of a swamp if that's what rocks your boat (hmm... I can't decide... is this counted as a pun?) And this is the manager of the place, who is also the resident monkey expert.

The noon tour was the coolest I think, we had so much fun! We went through this mangrove tree corridor, through these majestic trees with their roots gleaming where patches of sunlight hit them, and it was so tranquil there, only our boat and its chugging as our guide steered us slowly through. This picture looks like I've been superimposed against the background! And it doesn't do the mangrove trees half the justice they deserve, but this is to give you some idea of what it was.

And this crab was another thing that we didn't catch: erm... we actually stole it >.< One thing that me and Jia Ling learnt was that when you see plastic bottles floating on the river, they're actually not litter but they're indicators of traps that the fishermen put out. Hence Jia Ling was ecstatic every time we saw plastic bottles - and we ended up stealing two crabs - which ended up being our dinner.

The impending storm in the afternoon.

At night we went for this magical fireflies cruise, me and Jia Ling and the boatman, and we looked at the hundreds of flickering little green lights. We had some fun trying to capture the fireflies in our hands before they flew off (we could've brought butter to make them stick but that would kill them quite unnecessarily), and normally they did fly off quite speedily. But then there was one which persisted on crawling along my arm and wouldn't fly off, until the boatman's truly sharp eyes saw that there were two, not one firefly, and they were copulating, which was why they didn't fly off.
Look. Look at the love-making fireflies!

It's an amazing feeling to go on a river cruise, in near pitch dark. It's not hundred percent dark, so you can still see the vague outlines of the mangrove trees in the distance, an inky black, bold and scraggly line. It was calm and almost surreal to be gliding on top of the water, on the only moving thing as far as the eye could see, with the chilly wind pulling at your hair and the beautiful contrasts of dark grey and black at the horizon, too subtle to be captured by the manmade camera so you can only drink in the dream-like qualities of the image as much as possible, to be replayed in your memories later.
And then the boatman stiffened and stopped the boat. "Listen," he said.
We listened, tense.
"Can't you hear it?"
We strained our ears some more. "What?"
"The rain is coming!" He exclaimed, revved up the engine, grabbed the shaft and steered the boat to make a U-turn. Sure enough, seconds later, we felt droplets of rain which soon intensified into big juicy drops pelting on our fleeing boat.
I couldn't stop laughing as we bounced along the river in a futile attempt to race out of the storm. It was cold and wet, but so delightful. Some things you remember forever, whether in minute detail or in essence. This night is one of them.
สโตนเฮนจ์ อังกฤษ กองหินประหลาด
สโตนเฮนจ์ อังกฤษ กองหินประหลาด
สโตนเฮนจ์ (อังกฤษ: Stonehenge) เป็นกลุ่มแท่งหินขนาดใหญ่ ตั้งอยู่กลางทุ่งราบว้างใหญ่ในบริเวณที่เรียกว่า ที่ราบซัลลิสเบอร์รี่ ในบริเวณตอนใต้ของอังกฤษ ประกอบไปด้วยแท่งหินขนาดยักษ์ 112 ก้อน ตั้งเรียงกันเป็นวงกลมซ้อนกัน 3 วง แท่งหินบางอันตั้งขึ้น บางอันอยู่ในแนวนอน และบางอันก็ถูกวางซ้อนขึ้นไปข้างบน
สโตนเฮนจ์มีชื่อเสียงอย่างมากในฐานะที่เป็นกลุ่มหินประหลาดซึ่งไม่มีใคร ทราบวัตถุประสงค์ในการสร้างอย่างชัดเจน และเมื่อพิจารณาถึงอายุของมันแล้ว คาดว่ากลุ่มกองหินประหลาดนี้ ถูกสร้างขึ้นมาเมื่อ 5,000 ปีที่แล้ว ทำให้นักวิทยาศาสตร์และนักประวัติศาสตร์ต่าง สงสัยว่า คนในสมัยก่อนสามารถยกแท่งหินที่มีน้ำหนักกว่า 30 ตัน ขึ้นไปวางเรียงกันได้อย่างไร ทั้งๆ ที่ปราศจากเครื่องทุ่นแรงอย่างที่เราใช้อยู่ในปัจจุบัน และที่น่าแปลกไปกว่านั้นคือ ในบริเวณที่ราบดังกล่าว ไม่ใช่บริเวณที่จะมีก้อนหินขนาดมหึมานี้ ดังนั้นจึงสันนิษฐานว่าผู้สร้างต้องทำการชักลากแท่งหินยักษ์ทั้งหมด มาจากที่อื่น ซึ่งคาดว่าน่าจะมาจากบริเวณที่เรียกว่า "ทุ่งมาล์โบโร" ที่อยู่ไกลออกไปประมาณ 40 กิโลเมตรเลยทีเดียว
มีผู้สันนิษฐานถึงวัตถุประสงค์ในการสร้างสโตนเฮนจ์กันหลายประเด็น แต่ประเด็นที่ดูจะได้รับความเชื่อถือมากที่สุดคือ เป็นสถานที่สำหรับการทำพิธีกรรมทางศาสนาของชนกลุ่มที่นับถือลัทธิดรูอิท รองลงมาคือความเชื่อที่ระบุว่า เป็นการสร้างเพื่อหวังผลทางดาราศาสตร์ ใช้ในการสังเกตปรากฏการณ์ต่าง ๆ ที่เกิดขึ้นบนท้องฟ้า เช่น สุริยุปราคา เป็นต้น
รายละเอียด ที่เกี่ยวข้อง จากการค้นหา :
สโตนเฮนจ์ - วิกิพีเดีย
สโตนเฮนจ์ (อังกฤษ: Stonehenge) เป็นกลุ่มแท่งหินขนาดใหญ่ ตั้งอยู่กลางทุ่งราบว้างใหญ่ในบริเวณที่เรียกว่า ที่ราบซัลลิสเบอร์รี่ ในบริเวณตอนใต้ของอังกฤษ ...สโตนเฮนจ์
กองหินประหลาดสโตนเฮนจ์. Stonehenge. กองหินประหลาดสโตนเฮนจ์. ตำแหน่งที่ตั้ง. เมืองซัลลิสเบอรี่ มณฑลวิลไซร์ ประเทศอังกฤษ. ปัจจุบัน. สามารถเข้าเยี่ยมชมได้ ...
สโตนเฮนจ์: วิหารแห่งจักรวาลหรือไร? - PUBLIC HOT COMMUNITY
ได้รักบการดัดแปลงไปในแต่ละยุคสมัยภายในช่วงเวลานับพันปี การก่อสร้างสโตนเฮนจจ์นั้นทำสืบเนื่องกันมาถึง 3-4 ระยะในช่วงเวลาประมาณ 1500 ปี ... › ... › ธรรมมะ › เรื่องลี้ลับ
"สโตนเฮนจ์" กลุ่มหินพิศวง สิ่งมหัศจรรย์ของโลก
คลี่ปมปริศนาอนุสาวรีย์หิน "สโตนเฮนจ์" ที่แท้คือสุสานโบราณ
กองหินประหลาดสโตนเฮนจ์ : Stonehenge
ชื่อสถานที่, กองหินประหลาดสโตนเฮนจ์ : Stonehenge. สถานที่ตั้ง, เมืองซัลลิสเบอรี่ มณฑลวิลไซร์ ประเทศอังกฤษ. ปัจจุบัน, สามารถเข้าเยี่ยมชมได้ ...
บริษัท สโตนเฮ้นจ์ จำกัด ตั้งขึ้นปี พ.ศ. 2535 ให้บริการงานด้านการออกแบบ ควบคุมงาน และบริหารการก่อสร้าง ทางด้านงานสถาปัตยกรรม วิศวกรรม และการบูรณะโบราณสถาน ...
สโตนเฮนจ์ | ทะเลไทย (beta)
บาธ,; อังกฤษ,; Bath,; National Trust,; สโตนเฮนจ์,; Stonehenge,; Marlborough Down. 0. Your rating: None. เมื่อเกือบหนึ่งหมื่นปีก่อน ในทุ่งหญ้าชายป่าใหญ่ ...สโตนเฮนจ์
สโตนเฮนจ์อยู่ในทุ่งซอลสะเบอรี่ ทางตอนใต้ของประเทศอังกฤษ คาดว่าถูกสร้างขึ้นเพื่อใช้ดูท้องฟ้า ซึ่งจะทำให้เห็นความเปลี่ยนแปลงของฤดูต่างๆ ...
กลุ่มหินประหลาด สโตนเฮนจ์ ( Stonehenge )
กลุ่มหินประหลาด สโตนเฮนจ์ ( Stonehenge ) สโตนเฮนจ์ (Stonehenge) เป็นกลุ่มแท่งหินขนาดใหญ่ ตั้งอยู่กลางทุ่งราบว้างใหญ่ในบริเวณที่เรียกว่า ที่ราบซัลลิสเบอร์รี่ ...
รูปถ่าย อังกฤษ(United Kingdom) สโตนเฮนจ์(StoneHenge)
ภาพนี้ถ่ายที่ อังกฤษ(United Kingdom) สโตนเฮนจ์(StoneHenge)
สโตนเฮนจ์. ฃ. กองหินประหลาด ประกอบด้วยกองหินขนาดใหญ่จำนวนถึง 112 ก้อน และแต่ละก้อนทรงสูง บางก้อนล้มนอน บางก้อนตั้งตรง บางก้อนวางทับซ้อนิยู่บนยอด ...
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Stonehenge England
Stonehenge, however, is roughly circular. It is difficult to precisely date the stone rings because of the scarcity of datable remains associated with them, ... - Your guide to Stonehenge, the World's Favourite ...
Your guide to Stonehenge, shops, other ancient sites and stone circles in Britain, with practical information to make your visit easier.
Stonehenge, England
25 Aug 2009 ... Stonehenge is a prehistoric, mysterious circle of upright stones in southern England. Construction on the great monument began 5000 years ...
Stonehenge England
Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire, about 3.2 kilometres (2.0 mi) west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres (8.1 mi) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is composed of earthworks surrounding a circular setting of large standing stones. It is at the centre of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.[1] Archaeologists had believed that the iconic stone monument was erected around 2500 BC, as described in the chronology below. One recent theory, however, has suggested that the first stones were not erected until 2400-2200 BC, whilst another suggests that bluestones may have been erected at the site as early as 3000 BC (see phase 1 below). The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 in a co-listing with Avebury henge monument. It is a national legally protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge is owned by the Crown and managed by English Heritage, while the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust.
Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge served as a burial ground from its earliest beginnings. The dating of cremated remains found on the site indicate burials from as early as 3000 BC, when the initial ditch and bank were first dug. Burials continued at Stonehenge for at least another 500 years.
"Stonehenge: one of our largest excavations draws to a close". British Archaeology (York, England: Council for British Archaeology) (102): p13. ...
Etymology - History - Function and construction - Folklore
Images of Stonehenge, Stonehenge, England, c. 3100-1550 BCE ...
Images of Stonehenge, Stonehenge, England, c. 3100-1550 BCE. Digital Imaging Project: Art historical images of European and North American architecture and ...
Stones of England - Stonehenge
Their aim is to restore Stonehenge to its isolated dignity. In fact, as one of the most visited monument in England, the site is always overwhelmed with ...
Salisbury England - Stonehenge England - Salisbury Wiltshire ...
The official online guide to tourism in Salisbury and South Wiltshire.
Stonehenge - Salisbury, England - Great Buildings Online
Stonehenge by unknown architect, at Salisbury, England, -2750 to -1500, in the Great Buildings Online.
Stonehenge - Facts Quick and Easy for Students and Tourists ...
Stonehenge - information, pictures of stonehenge in england, legends of merlin, and astronomy theories.
Stonehenge : Wiltshire : South West : Find a property by map ...
An awe-inspiring family visit, Stonehenge is a powerful reminder of the ... Other EH Sites, Images of England, Viewfinder, Pastscape, NMR Thesauri, Helm ...
Stonehenge, England
Stonehenge, however, is roughly circular. It is difficult to precisely date the stone rings because of the scarcity of datable remains associated with them, ... - Your guide to Stonehenge, the World's Favourite ...
Your guide to Stonehenge, shops, other ancient sites and stone circles in Britain, with practical information to make your visit easier.
Stonehenge, England
25 Aug 2009 ... Stonehenge is a prehistoric, mysterious circle of upright stones in southern England. Construction on the great monument began 5000 years ...