Daimler DS420 Landaulette

I'm not not going to write a lot about this car, I'm just putting it out here because it's unusual and rarely seen in the US.

The seller seems to be a bit confused as to what a Daimler is. He lists it as a Chrysler. I assume he's thinking of the whole Daimler-Benz / Chrysler thing.

The seller claims it was part of Queen Elizabeth's fleet. I don't know if that makes a difference or means anything (I'm pretty certain she didn't drive it), but it's kind of interesting. (In the UK, license plates are transferred to each owner - Kind of like they are in California. I assume there's a way to check this claim, but I have no idea how.)

Unless you own limo service, where it would get limited use, I can't see any reason for owning this. (Unless you're a head of state who's into classic cars.)

Click here to see the eBay listing.

There's a very good website dedicated to these cars. You can find it here.