-70: Towards Zero.

I actually wrote a really long post, but I just didn't feel it, so I am canning it. I don't know what's wrong with me nowadays but it seems that I have lost my mojo to write. Writing on my blog used to be an enjoyable means of self-expression. Now it just seems to be a chore, with all the words clogged up in my head tumbling out all wrongly. My extensive vocabulary seems to have lost its way in the woods, along with my wit and sense of irony. Everything comes out flat. And this is not the result of too much academic writing, because that is at a virtual standstill too. What is wrong with me??

Anyway, today is the first day of the next 70 days. What's happening after 70 days, you ask. Why, it would be June 20th. And June 20th, jinxes be gone, should be the day when I fly off to Europe, because my conference in Berlin is on the 21st-23rd. I am extremely excited, as you may imagine. But before Berlin, these 70 days will be crazy. Be warned that I will be prone to sob fests and be susceptible to PMS angst to the power of ten. I will stalk around my office like a caged animal and throw my hands towards the heavens demanding why, why, why I'm putting myself through all this stress and Europe probably sucks anyway and I'm going to fail my confirmation report *skiddddddd* TOUCH WOOD.

Anyway. Yeah this is an official account on this blog that I am going to Europe this year. (Yay!!) *resumes serious face* This is also an official announcement that I am going to be good for the following 70 days. I'm going to eat well, sleep well and exercise well, so that my brain remains sharp as a tack to finish my confirmation report two months ahead of the deadline. I'm renouncing the Big Bang Theory for the time being because it fucks up my sleep pattern when I chase one episode after another and google stuff that I don't understand, such as the application of Schrödinger's cat onto should-we-or-should-we-not-date situations. I think I understand it somewhat now but I'm really not sure.

The following months will be exciting. I will be hosting at least 2 CSers despite my crazy schedule. I am going to play 10 hours of World of Warcraft as a research participant. I am organizing a birthday party for myself. I am contemplating the participation of a dragonboat race. I am thinking of going home before I go to Europe. Not to mention I will be constantly refining and adding to my two-month travel itinerary; forming connections between places and with research participants. It will be busy, but exciting, and I need to be focused. There should be ample time for me to work, and play, if I plan it well and not procrastinate or get distracted like I'm prone to.

Alrighty, have some long overdue emails to reply, if you guys are reading my blog rest assured that I am on it. I'm just a really slow writer.

*two minutes later*
Oh yeah had to add this for the record: I think I'm getting the hang of it! Dragonboating I mean. I think my waist muscles are hurting, if that's not my head making things up, and that's a really good sign. And my arms are not hurting as much. Maybe I'll go for Wednesday training this week.