-54: Picture of serenity

Oh no oh no we're going for -50 and I have mountainloads of work not done yet and we're all going to hit a wall and die an excruciating death! *deep choked breaths*

I couldn't sleep yesterday night resulting in an awfully tired day and I had this meeting with my co-supe which was fine just that it made me realize the amount of work that I still have ahead of me and I really don't know if 54 days is enough actually make that 30 days because I need one month for my supervisors to go through my draft and make corrections and I still have so much to read so much to write so much to delete and write again and then I'll die and be born again out of the flames and make it to Europe. Except that I am not a phoenix and I am not familiar with the mechanics of deconstructing and reconstructing my particles through combustion. Does that mean I'm... just going to die?

Yeah. Just a fleeting glimpse of what it's like to be in my head. I'm going for dragonboat training tomorrow to de-stress and hopefully unclog my running nose.