-68: Multiphrenia

Not that I have anything to say but in attempt to keep up a daily countdown, I shall fill you in with the random stuff going on in my life.

Multiphrenia is when you have an over-population of the self, filling in too many roles and obligations, and is Gergen's dismal outlook to the postmodern life. It's not a medical condition, but a societal one. I think I have it. Sometimes my head feels like it is going to explode and yesterday I had only five hours of wakeful sleep. Therefore today I am rather tired, but it is Patrick's last lecture and last tutorial so I am determined to enjoy them to the end. After that I am meeting two Couchsurfers that I met last week during a vegetarian dinner gathering, and we are going rock-climbing together. This will be my first time. I wonder if I'll like it.

Research matters - I am going through some key contentions, over and over again, and I'm not able to find any solution, but I have to because I need to start writing. I have a faint voice in my head reproaching me for not putting more time into my work, what with the evenings of the rest of the week being all occupied with some random matter or another: rock-climbing tonight, tomorrow I am thinking of going for dragonboat training, Thursday and Friday I'm hosting a French girl, Saturday we have a barbecue after dragonboat training, and Sunday I have a dinner appointment. But another voice in my head insists that I have all the time in the world if I plan properly. And yet I am wasting 15 minutes of that time putting in a filler blog post.

Yup. I definitely have multiphrenia.