-58: Not a good day.

Sigh. I've been trying through various means to book the air tickets to Berlin but I have failed multiple times. Either it is the travel agent website saying that the seats are not available, or that there's something wrong with my card (there isn't - I bought a bus ticket online and it worked) or that the airline website going nuts at the last step of payment. Possibly it is the Iceland volcano situation that is causing all this trouble, or perhaps it's just my shitty luck.

Also I've been trying to write. It is not happening and I am increasingly stressed, as I see that the week is closing, and my word count has stopped at a certain number and has not increased ever since. It is horrible. I realize that I always have to go through a certain mental hurdle before I settle down and words flow, but this time it is taking very long and counting down every day is not helping. I will not be writing over the weekend as I'll be over at HSS playing 10 hours of World of Warcraft as a research participant for Skinny David and Patrick. It seems to be fun but I'm really not in a frame of mind to enjoy that.

More time working, less time worrying!