
Oh my god there's some kind of carnival going on in a temple a block away and I can hear the whole karaoke and annoying MC with a piercing voice. From 9 floors up TMD. It's almost 11 now and I feel like clubbing people with microphones. By that I actually mean I would like to club anyone who is holding a microphone with a microphone.

I finished my World of Warcraft 10-hour session today. Yes it has awakened the violence in me. Against my will I clubbed peace-loving Plainstriders, and later other increasingly aggressive creatures, and my newfound bloodthirstiness made me kill an innocent prairie dog just because I could. It probably had prairie puppies waiting for food back home. I am a horrible person.

MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT STOP. MAKE IT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. God they can't be serious. The wailing! The melodramatic vibration at the high notes! The ridiculously outdated songs! This is so bad, it is almost surreal. I refuse to believe that there are actually people in the audience, enduring the auditory torture. I mean, how could people not want to kill themselves, if not the people on stage? I just thought of a bad Jewish joke that probably only Val can appreciate. I miss Val. In fact I miss many people. But I can't be sentimental now, with the murderous mood still running in the background.

Hmm. I think the music has stopped. I can be sentimental after all.

OK firstly Asa I got your email... I'm glad about the new developments and all but I'm also pretty sad that you're not going to be in KL anymore... I know I know, it doesn't make a diff because I'm in Singapore anyway but that just makes it even sadder I guess. But at least you'll have LL there with you. And I suppose it's a better career prospect. T_T I will try to make it back before I go to Europe...

And other stuff. Other emails that I want to reply, but I'm never in the right frame of mind to, you know? I'm either depressed about work, or busy with extracurricular activities, or just trying to clear my head. The funny thing is that most of the people that I really want to see, are not in Singapore. I'm tired of all the emails, I want face time man. But I know very well that I am not going to get face time, and slowly but surely, I won't be able to keep up with all my contacts and they will slowly fade away... - isn't that the saddest thing? Like a piece of fine painting that, over time, loses its vivid colour, and all that's left is yesterday's memories and today's awkward silences.

Whoa damn emo. I blame it on the stupid singing. Well at least I blogged a long one today. Need to take a shower and go to bed to prepare for a new day tomorrow.