
Well the good news is my itchy throat and coughing seem to have eased after dragonboating under the rain again. The bad? I lost my purple water bottle =(

In fact I went on a little adventure to try to find my bottle. After dinner with a new girl on the team, I decided to go on a little expedition of saving my bottle - through riding on the newly opened Circle Line to the Stadium Station, just because someone, in a passing mention, said that it was close to the dragonboating site. Well it was not as close as I thought, so I got lost a little around the new station and wandered around in the dark, made my way back to the station to get more specific directions, and wandered around in the dark some more. Crossed some fields and a highway and finally got back to the dragonboating site, but my bottle was not in the toilet where I thought it would be. Bummer. I just sent a message to the captain hoping that someone picked it up.

Also today I had my first foray into the World of Warcraft, it wasn't half bad but I don't like the part where I have to club animals. Skinny David laughed as he saw me flinch =_=. Tomorrow I am going back to play for about 6 hours I think, to fulfil my role as a research subject. It's actually a pretty sweet way of earning 40 bucks, except that I will have to bring some hot chocolate tomorrow because it's freaking cold in the room.

Let's see... what else? I'm sorry my blogging style has been weird lately, there's just so many ways that you can pretend to blog without actually doing it XD But seriously sometimes it's just too difficult to make words flow. I think I'm approaching the light at the end of the tunnel of not being able to write though. I've been slowly building the outline although I haven't written much, so that when I can, the words will just gush like mountain spring water. And also I think I should probably stop flooding my blog with posts just for the heck of it. So I guess we're looking at the usual one or two posts per week. Counting down will continue but not in consecutive numbers.

Tired but having vague munchies. Hope my water bottle is safe and sound somewhere, I'm off to bed now.